Chapter 64. when can I go home

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I wake up with Brody still holding me. At least he smells good. He slowly opens his eyes. He smiles wide at me and pulls me closer and breathes me in.

"Hey best friend. . Let's break out of here and get our munch on." Brody says getting up and starts stretching. He puts his shoes on and pulls his sweatshirt back on.

"Can we?" I ask. I'm not even wearing clothes. "I don't have any clothes?"

"I got some in my bag for you. I knew you wouldn't leave me." Brody says smiling. He hands his bag over to me. I look thru the bag and grab out sweatpants and a t-shirt. I reach up and touch my head. It's covered in wrapping. I look at Brody. He looks at me and releases a breathe.

"Let me help you to the bathroom." He says and picks me up. He carries me into the bathroom and sets me down on the toilet. He walks out and stands by the door. I swear it was like peeing for the first time ever. I felt like I went forever. I wiped and stood up. It hurt. I flushed and Brody ran over to me

"You were suppose to tell me that you were done." He says shaking his head.

"Brody what's wrong with my head?"

"Some girl pushed you down the stairs, they put you in a coma so that the swelling would go down. The swelling finally went down enough that they could operate. You had minor brain surgery. I was hoping you would come out as smart as me but I guess you don't always get what you want." He says suddenly looking disappointed.

"Brody your an ass." I tell him laughing.

"Yeah but I can tell that you already love me again. " he says smiling at me.

"Ok ok sure." I say as he sets me on the counter. He picks up a wash cloth and cleans my face.

"That will have to do, I'm glad they took all those wires and machines off you. It makes it alot easier moving you around."

"Yeah" I say and look at myself in the mirror. I move the bandages away and I see that my hair is gone. Well not gone but its extremely short.

"It will grow back. Come on lets go get some pancakes. "

"Ok" he picks up my sweatpants and slides them on me. He takes the hospital gown off me and slides on my t-shirt keeping his eyes on mine as he makes faces at me. I just start laughing.

"Wrap your arms around my neck and I will give you a piggy back ride?"

"You will? "

"Yeah. .you ready?" Brody asks. I nod and he turns around and bends down alittle. I wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his arms under my legs. He then looks out my door. He makes his way to the elevator and then down to the cafeteria.

We finally get there and we walk over to the line. He waves to the cook. The cook smiles and waves back. I guess he has spent a lot of time here.

"Hey Freddy, my best friend Dani finally woke up."

"Did you sneak that poor girl out of her room?" Freddy asked.

"Umm maybe. It is time to eat so I will have four chocolate pancakes and heavy on the bacon. Bell loves bacon."

"Okay but then you get her back to her room before she gets reported as an escapee."

"Oh I will Freddy. "

"Alright grab a seat and I will bring it out to you. Welcome back to the living Dani." Freddy says smiling at me.

"Thanks. " I say while holding on to Brody. He walks out to a booth and sets me down. He then sits across from me.

"So I have all your homework that you missed."

"Awww how am I even suppose to understand it?" I ask.

"Well I already got it done for you. I will help you study what you need to know before midterms. You have at least another week of no school. So I will take it off and help you study. That should be enough time."

"You think so?"

"Yeah. . Its going to be tough but we have college classes starting up in January. So we have a week to get you ready for midterms and then winter break right after. I made out my Christmas list for you."

"Im not Santa Brody. " I tell him.

"Yeah but we're best friends so its alright."

"Oh ok." I say nodding and I'm the one with a brain injury. I understand now how we were best friends. I have already started trusting him. Our pancakes we're set down in front of us. They smelled really good.

I picked up my fork and started eating. Wow they are good. I love chocolate pancakes. I start shoveling them into my mouth. I pick up a piece of bacon and start eating that.

"Freddy makes the best chocolate chip pancakes. Your mom's pancakes were real good to."

"You knew my mom?"

"Of course I did. Your mom loved Jase and me. She told us so." Brody says between bites. His phone rings. He picks it up and talks. He then mentions were in the cafeteria. He hangs up and goes back to eating.

"Did you want some orange juice? "

"Yeah" I nod. He gets up and grabs our drinks. He sits down again and starts eating. I go back to my food. Soon Jase, Chase, Alex, Will, and a little boy join us. The little boy runs over and climbs on my lap.

"Hi" I say to him.

"Hi sissy" he says and then takes my fork and starts eating my pancakes. I look at Brody and he starts laughing.

"The doctors and nurses called us. They are all looking for you." Will said.

"We went for breakfast. Brody says the food is better down here. I'm ready to go home." I tell him.

"Well we have to get you looked at and if the Doctor says it's ok." Will says. "I think we should get you back to your room."

"Ok" I say eating the last of the bacon. The boy climbs off my lap. Im not wearing socks or shoes. "Brody....I need a lift."

"Okay but next time you have to give me one." He says and comes over. He helps me on his back. We all go up to my room. Brody sets me down on my bed. The doctor comes in. He takes the bandage off my head. I wince as I feel the air hit it.

"Did you shave my head?" I ask.

"Only the bottom. The doctor in New York cut alot off. Its kinda spiky now." The doctor says.

"Can I go home? Brody said he would take care of me." I tell him.

"You should be staying the week."

"But I want to go home. " I say and start crying. I don't want to be here anymore.

"Let me do a scan of your head and I will write your prescriptions. You have to come back tomorrow. We will need to get you started on physical therapy. "

"Okay" I say as i bite my lip, he nods and walks out. I sit back and look at everyone. This is so awkward that it's really weird.

"Are you sure you feel good enough to come home? " Will asks.

"Brody said that he would stay home from school and stay with me. It will be easier if I'm at home." I say. The nurse comes in and helps me into a wheelchair. She wheels me out for the x-ray of my head.

I come back and the guys had packed up the stuff in the room. I look around. Jase comes over to me, he puts my socks and shoes on me. He then puts the hoodie that he was wearing on me. "You ready? "

"Yeah" I say and he wheels me out. We all get in the truck they have outside. Jase sits next to me and picks up my hand. I don't fight it. It has to be hard on him. I just don't know him. Brody is easy. He just wants to be my friend. He doesn't expect anything from me. I turn and look out the window.

♡☆♡☆ only two chapters left. They will be in the sequel. On the run. So start reading the other story. Remember to comment. ☆☆♡☆

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