Chapter 61. nothing but time Jase's p.o.v.

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We watch them load her up with her new doctor. We're going on a private jet. My father came thru. The gurney is strapped in. The doctor takes a seat in front of it. I got the seat next to Dani. I sit back next to her head. I pick up her hand and hold it.

I always knew we would eventually travel together but I thought she would be awake for it. Everyone gets on and sits down. The plane takes off. It's quiet. Everyone lost in their thoughts.

It gets harder to keep my eyes open. I end up putting my head next to hers. I rub circles into her hand. I soon fall asleep.

I wake up and look at the time. I ask the stewardess where we are. She tells me we're in California and we will be landing soon. I nodded, I leaned down and kissed Dani's forehead.

We finally land and I see the ambulance waiting. I watch them load her and the Doctor climb in. Earlier on the plane he told us to go home and that he will call with an update after she's situated in her room.

"Jase why don't you take Dani's truck, it's in the parking lot. Chase and Alex go pick up dinner for everyone. I'm going to pick up my work for tomorrow. Jase the house keys are on the ring. I believe your set is at home on the counter." Will says.

"Probably, I left mine and Brody's keys with her." I say.

"Your still welcome, you guys are part of our family now no matter what happens. " Will says. Chase and Alex nod next to him.

"Awe you guys sure have a way with words. " Brody says and jumps on Alex.

"On that note, lets go Brody. Will I know this is a crap week but thanks for being here and handling all this. I know I'm bossy and I kinda took over but I got scared that I would crack and fall apart. So I did what I always do, I did what I could."

"He made me research everything and talk to the new doctor about moving her. We started last night before we even got on the plane. " Brody says kind of whining.

"Yup, you got the other half of my brain. I would be unstoppable if you gave it back." I tell him.

"You will never get my brain! ! !" Brody screams as he runs off.

"I see that your related but mentally I don't see it." Will says shaking his head. He walks away.

"Jase can you take Nicky. If you put him on the couch he will pass out. He's really tired." Chase says.

"Yeah sure." I say and Chase hands him over.

"See you at home honey. " Chase says to me and I flip him off as I walk away.

We get home? It's weird. I turn the tv on and set Nicky down. Brody goes down to his room to shower. I head to Dani's room. Everything is out of place. It looks like she threw everything. I start picking up the the whole room. I put the clothes away. I pile all the dirty clothes up. If she saw me now. Im domesticated all of a sudden. I put the dresser stuff back away.

I lift the blanket up and see a picture of us. I set it on the dresser next to the bed. I look back and see my shirts on the bed. Definitely going to have to do laundry. I wonder if Mrs. Moore would come do the laundry. Nah I will ask miss Crawford when she gets home. Suck it Chase.

I go a head and flip on the tv. Nicky comes in my room and climbs onto the bed. He lays down next to me. I smile down at him. I end up being comfortable enough that I pass out.

♡☆♡☆ don't hate me but I published this awhile ago. I just noticed it. Sorry♡☆♡☆

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