Chapter 26. Are you ok?

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♡♥♡♥♡♥♡ Song of the chapter

"We cant Stop" by Miley Cyrus.

side note "On The Run" is on hold until I finish writing this story. I dont want to give this story away and Blakes next chapter Lani is in it. Im going to try updating more than once a week. Please comment and message me to keep the flow of this story going. I love hearing from you and you guys give me ideas for this story.

lots of love my cupcakes

yourbookslut! ♡♥♥♥♡♥♡♥

I feel pain ripping thru me, from my head down to my feet. I open my eyes and the light hits me. I close my eyes and cuddle back into the arms that are holding me.

"Lani, open your eyes." Alex says in a smooth voice. I open my eyes and look into his concerned eyes. "Are You ok?"

"I guess so. I hurt. My head hurts alot." I whisper to him. I cuddle into him more.

"The nurse has aspirin and water for you. Take it and I will clean you up. Chase is with the principal." Alex says with worry in his voice.

"Okay" I swallow the pills and rewrap my arms around his neck, laying my head on his shoulder. He soothingly rubs circles on my back. I wrap my legs around him as he carries me into the bathroom.

He sets my ass on the counter. Did I mention my ass hurts now that my weight is now on it. I whimper out in in pain. He gives me a sad face as I cry out.

He wets down some paper towels and wipes my face off. The paper towels are covered in blood. I cringe not wanting to know the damage. My face scrunching with pain.

"As soon as Chase gets here we will leave." Alex tells me quietly, while wiping my face. He takes a wet towel and holds it to my left eye. I begin to realize that she's done more damage than I thought she did.

I close my eyes and just lean my face into his hands. I can't believe this is my first day, but I knew if I didn't stand up for myself right away, that would give Tonya the idea that she could go after me all year. At least now she might back off.

"Natalie sent me a text as soon as Tonya started messing with you. We got there as soon as we could. I'm sorry babe. I didn't know she would go after you." Alex says as Chase walks into the bathroom with the nurse. I now have questions but seeing Chase calms me more.

"How are you feeling sweetie?" the nurse asks me. She gives me the saddest smile. I don't even remember her being here.

"I'm okay, just want to go home and clean up." I tell her looking at my white shirt that's stained with blood. This shirt is now garbage.

"Your going to have to be careful washing, your missing patches of hair and scalp. Hopefully it just looks worse than what it really is." She says.

I reach up and touch my head. I look at my hand that's now wet with blood and I start getting dizzy all over again. I want to kill her. My poor hair. Who destroys something so pretty?

"We're going to go home, mom already released us and is waiting for us at home." Chase says as the tears start rolling down my face. I'm not ready to face my mom.

Alex picks me up and carries me out following Chase to the escalade. As we leave Tyler runs out to us. My head resting on Alex's shoulder.

"Holy shit Lani, I will be over after school with your guy's stuff. Just to let you know the video of the fight was posted on Jenny's facebook." Tyler says. Who's Jenny?

"Thanks for telling us, we'll see you later. We will be at the house, just come in." Chase tells him as we get in the escalade.

"Yeah man. I will see you guys soon." Tyler says as he heads back in.

Sitting in the back seat with Alex still holding me, Chase starts the suv up and heads home. I just keep a grip on Alex's shirt scared to let go.


We get in the house and head in the bathroom. Chase starts running the water in the shower and strips down. Alex takes my clothes off and hands me to Chase.

Chase walks into the shower with me and I cry out as the water hits me. I look down and watch my blood run down Chase's legs as my body is wrapped around his.

As the water starts to drain clear, he steps out of the shower and passes me back to Alex who wrapped a towel around me as my body wrapped around his. I feel like a baby koala being passed around.

I felt so fragile and needy, luckily the boys didn't seem to mind. I wasn't ready to not be held. Chase slipped a big t-shirt over my head and his boxers over my legs.

We crawled into bed. Chase turned on the tv. With me in the middle. I put my head on Chase's chest and played with his fingers as I slowly fell asleep with animal planet playing in the back ground.


I woke up cuddled into the side of Chase. Alex was gone. I start to get up and he pulls me in closer. His hands rubbing my back.

"Don't go, just stay." Chase whispers, holding onto me. I curl back into him and fall back to sleep. Content with him holding me.

I wake up again and I'm alone in bed. I get up limping and head to the bathroom. After I go, I stare at myself in the mirror. My face is swollen and puffy. I get in the shower and wash up.

I get dressed and pull my hair back in a loose pony. I walk into the game room where Chase, Alex, Tyler, and a few other guys are watching a football game. Alex sees me and pulls me onto his lap. Chase gets up and goes up stairs.

"Feel any better?" Alex asks.

"Alittle... I missed you though. I wanted to be close to you again." I tell him wrapping my arms around him.

I rest my head against Alex's chest and relax to the steady beat of his heart. Chase hands Alex the ice pack, he gives me painkillers and a bottle of water. He sits back down putting my legs on his lap. I swallow the pills and Alex holds the ice pack to my face.

I get all nice and comfortable again. When our parents come down and shut the tv off. Our friends look at us like oh shit, they say goodbye and head out.

"Sweetie you look awful!" Mom says. "What happened? I saw the video, I just don't understand why she attacked you."

"She got mad because I came in with Chase and she said he belonged to her and started poking me in the chest. She then tells me if I go anywhere near him that she will kill me. I told her if she poked me again that I would break her finger. She said something and flicked me in the forehead. So I pushed her away from me. Next thing you know she's on top of me and trying to rip my hair out. It just got out of hand from there."

"Is this relationship you three have worth all that your going to have to encounter? High school is hard as it is, now your going to be putting even more pressure on it by having a relationship that is not normaly accepted." Mom said with a frown on her face.

"Mom, this would of happened even if we weren't together. She got mad the minute I got out of the truck. They both walked me to class. We honestly didn't do anything. This is her issue not mine. I did nothing to her and I don't know her. She has no right to attack me. She said the next time I was near them. Do you want me to move out? Because if I didn't stand up against her, she would eventually realized we live together. She's obsessed with Chase. It's not Chase's fault. Most girls move on not go on a fighting spree."

"Okay. Your right."

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