Chapter 62. Back to school

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Chase's p.o.v.

We had the funeral for Dani's mom. Alot of people came. It was so quiet, it was like nobody wanted to say it out loud. Dani's grandparents came. They did ask about her and said they would visit her.

Thanksgiving came and we spent it with my grandparents. Brody and Jase came with us. Jase spends his days next to Dani in the hospital. I go and have dinner at the hospital with him at night. Alex stopped going. He threw himself in his studies.

Its taken four weeks but they are finally doing the surgery on her. We're all getting together tonight to wait it out. The doctor said she will wake up in the morning. We are not to expect much. Just because they wake her up doesn't mean she will live thru it. But I think she will. I know brain surgery is serious but I think she is strong enough to make it.

I pass Brody in the hall. He grabs my shirt and pulls me off to the side. I follow him thru the building. He finds Alex and then we go outside. I follow him and he gets in his hummer. We get in not really saying anything.

I look down to his stack of books. Im looking at all his homework. He has tons. "Brody are you behind? "

"Nope its Dani's. Ive been doing all her homework so she doesn't get behind. This way she has more time to recover. I will help her study for finals later. We have college classes starting in three weeks."

"Won't the teacher know its you doing it?"

" Nope, I'm not handing it in. Chase I thought you were smart." Brody says and Alex shakes his head.

"Where are we going? " Alex asks.

"I want something good to eat. Im thinking a burger. Then the arcade. I need something to break the stress I feel. " Brody answers.

"What about Jase? " Alex asks.

"He didn't go to school today. He's at the hospital watching them run all the tests on Dani. He asked me to bring him food later. Lets have some fun." Brody says with a grin. I just lean back.

We had a good time slacking off. We met up with everyone at the hospital. We brought dinner with us. We handed pizza out and sat down. The doctor came out and went over the procedure with us. We all sat back to wait out the surgery.

By ten the Doctor came out to tell us the procedure went good and that Dani was back in her room. He told us that he started the drugs to wake her up. It takes about six hours to go thru her system. Sometimes less sometimes more. We decided to all stay the night.

Alex's p.o.v

Im scared that she won't wake up. Its like being at the hospital after my parents car accident. Will sat with me waiting for the Doctor to say my parents are okay after they went back. I don't like hospitals anymore. Every time I go I lose someone.

It's late and we're all sitting in the waiting room. The doctor is sitting with Dani. He told us as soon as she wakes up that he will get us. Im actually playing cards with Brody. He's a great distraction.

The doctor finally comes out at three in the morning. He looks at us. We all walk over. This is it, we're going to find out if she made it.

"She's awake and asking for her mom and dad. All her vitals are good. All the tests came out good. Her memory is weak. I think it would be best if Will and her grandparents went in first." The doctor says and we nod.

We sit back down, watch Will and her grandparents follow the Doctor. I'm kind of relieved that she's awake but its weird that she doesn't remember about her parents. It's going to be like losing them all over again for her.

An hour goes by and Jase is itching to go in. He's been pacing for awhile. I know this is harder on him. Id love to say I love her as much as he does but I know that I don't. He's dependent on taking care of her. Its different. He feels that he needs her, I just want to be a part of her life. His hair is sticking up all over. You can tell this has been taking a toll on him. He looks smaller.

My dad comes out and looks at us. "She's real upset and doesn't remember anything. We just told her that her mother died and that she no longer has a relationship with her father. "

"Is she okay, I need to see her!" Jase says panicking.

"I don't know if that's a good idea. I'm not going to keep you from her but her grandma is trying to calm her down. She had a panic attack. The doctor gave her medicine to calm her." Dad said.

Jase's p.o.v.

"Im going to see her." She has to remember me. I walk down the hall and look in her room. She is basically climbing on top of her grandma. She's crying and it hurts to see her so upset. I go in the room. She looks at me and slowly wipes her face.

"Its okay Dani. Your going to be okay. " I say calmly. Her grandparents slowly leave the room. I slowly walk over to her.

"You don't remember me do you?" I say slowly. She shakes her head no.

"It's okay. Maybe you will remember someday. Can I just sit next to you?" I ask.

"Why?" She asks. You can tell this is overwhelming.

"Because I still love you and for the past month I've been scared I would lose you. Don't worry we can just sit here and talk. You can ask me anything. " I say and she sits back against the bed.

"Okay. " she says and looks down to her hands. I sit down in the chair next to her bed.

"I know this is scary and very upsetting waking up and not remembering your life." I tell her.

"Yeah. ... who are you?"

"Im Jase. Ive been your boyfriend for the past three months. But we can start over."

"We can?"

"Yup. Im Jase I play football at our school. I have a twin brother who says your his thunder buddy. You two are usually always up to something. Brody he's my twin. He is in the waiting room. He has all his classes with you. He plays soccer with your step brothers."

"I have step brothers?"

"Yeah, you have three. You have Nicky who's the youngest. Then Alex and Chase. You have Will as a step dad. He absolutely loves you. You two got real close when you moved in with him."

She nods her head and finally looks at me. She's no longer crying. She's calm. I sit back feeling better now that she's not breaking down. I start wondering if she will ever remember or will she choose not to.

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