Chapter 3

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Samantha get better now, she been in hospital wings for 2 months and also Draco got expelled from attack to Sam.

It nearly summer holiday and Sam is afraid to go home to see her 'step' family because they knew Draco got expelled because of her and they are furious.

Samantha and Fred been dating for 2 months since Samantha got attacked.

Harry and Ron been avoiding Fred and Samantha but Ginny, Hermione and George is happy for them and disappointment about Harry and Ron still not accept it.

Fred's parents knew about them together because Fred wrote a letter to them about 3 weeks ago and they are happy for them. Fred also asked them if Samantha is allowed to come stay at the burrow for whole summer holiday as Samantha is afraid to go see the Malfoy and Molly and Arthur accept it.

Fred never leave Samantha's side as he always protect her every single days.

Hermione and Ginny become Samantha's new best friends as Pansy start calling her nasty names like Malfoy did to Harry and his best friends. And also Samantha just moved in Gryffindor house as she doesn't feel safe in Slytherin house so Professor Dumbledore knew Fred is protective to Samantha and he decided to moved her in Gryffindor so she will feel safe.

Fred decided to asked Samantha about coming with him at the burrow for whole summer holiday and Samantha is so happy and said yes, she accept it.
Samantha is so exited going to see Fred's parents as she want thanked them for letting her to stayed.

Fred took Samantha on date and few hours later, they decided to go in ROR as they don't want to wake their friends up as it is late so they walked to there and they said they loved each other an kissed then... Make out session and they complete naked, after what they up to and they fall asleep.

Next morning
Samantha just woke up and realised that she is naked, she gasp...
"Oh no!" She said panicked.
Fred woke up and heard Sam is panicked and he look down...
"Damn! We just slept together." Fred said shocked and realised he didn't use protective so he can't get Sam pregnant but too late and it only one night and they think Sam won't get pregnant.
They got out of bed and got changed then walked out of ROR then start walking down to The Great Hall for breakfast, Fred saw Samantha is stressed about the night they slept together and he felt sorry for her.

Few days later
Samantha been throwing up for few days and Hermione is worried.
Ginny walked in and saw Hermione is worried,
"She been throwing up again?" Ginny asked, Hermione nodded sadly.
Samantha came out of bathroom and saw them waiting for her.
"What?" Samantha said.
Hermione sighs and said serious questions...
"Did you slept with Fred?" Hermione said, Sam nodded slowly and look down, tears falling down her face.
Ginny hugged her and rub her back.
"Is... Is your period late?" Hermione asked and Sam nodded and told them that she 1 week late.
"I got free period today so if you want I can come with you to go see Madam Pomfrey?" Ginny said, Sam nodded.
"Don't tell Fred please." Girls nodded.

Few moment later
Sam and Ginny arrived at hospital wings and saw Madam Pomfrey walked up to them and asked them what they want? Ginny told her about Sam period late and throwing up few days.
Madam Pomfrey gone to get scan machine and bring to side of Sam bed as Sam lift her shirt up little, Madam Pomfrey told her it will be cold when she put jelly cream stuff on Sam's stomach and they saw machine thing on screen and realised Sam is...
"You're pregnant." Madam Pomfrey said, Sam is shocked and knew it.

Next day
Samantha don't know what to tell Fred about she carry his child. Of course Fred know he forgot to use protective the night they slept together but he doesn't know that she is pregnant.

"Fred? Can I talk to you please?" Sam asked quietly and nervous.
"What is it? Why are you so nervous?" Fred said worried. Sam sighs.
"I just found out yesterday, that I'm pregnant." Sam burst it out. Fred is shocked and sat down.
"You just only 15 years old and I'm 17. I don't think we be ready to be parents." Fred said and looked at Sam.
"I will be 16 in 2 months and remember you said you will never leave my side. We can through it together." Sam asked. Fred smiled and kissed her.
"But I'm leaving Hogwarts this year and who is going protect you?" Fred asked worried.
"She got us." Hermione said walked in room with Ginny.
"Fine." Fred accept it. But wasn't sure about that.

It is Summer holiday
Sam just met Molly and Arthur and they hugged her and said welcomed.
"Thanks." Sam thanked them.

Few moment later
Sam and Fred decided to tell his family at dinner about Sam pregnant.
When they all finished eating and Fred stand up and sighs...
"Sam is pregnant." Fred said and everyone gasp and shocked.
"What?!" Harry said stand up.

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