Chapter 7

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Amelia hugged her real parents then Elijah came join in, hugging them.
"Let meet everyone." Fred said smile.
"This is Roxanna and Freddie." Samantha said point to the twins.
"Hi!" The twins said same times.
"This is Hugo." Fred said point him.
"Hi.." Hugo said wave at her.
"This is Albus and Lily." Fred said.
"Nice meet to you." Albus said.
"Hi..." Lily wave at her.
"There fews family doesn't live here but you will be meet them tomorrow." Samantha said Amelia nodded.

Next day.

Amelia came downstairs to see her parents on couch, hugging each other. She walk up to them, they smile at her.
"You up so early?" Fred asked.
"I always up early." Amelia said.
"I guess she taking after me." Samantha said chuckles, Fred laugh.
Fred pat between him and Samantha for Amelia to sit on, she sat on.
"This family is huge." Amelia admit.
Samantha and Fred laugh and nodded.
"It hard to remember their names." Amelia said, "you get used to it." Fred said smile and stroke her hair, suddenly Amelia stomach making noise that made Fred and Samantha laugh.
"Someone is hungry." Fred said.
"Come on, let eat something." Samantha said stand up and left to go kitchen followed by Amelia and Fred.

Few hours later.

Everyone is up and awaken, they all went downstairs to kitchen room.
They all eating theirs breakfast. Amelia and Rose went up their room to get change, "are you excited to meet others family?" Rose asked excitedly.
"You know I never met them and I'm nervous." Amelia said shaking head.
"They met you when you were a baby." Rose said making her bed.
"They did?" Amelia asked making bed.
"Yeah just the uncle and aunt that all." Rose said nodded and grab her jacket to put it on and put shoes on, ready.
Amelia doing same thing then stand up as they left the room to go downstairs.
"Ah... Amelia, this is Bill and Fleur." Fred said point them who smiling.
"Hello, it lovely to see you." Bill said.
"Thank you." Amelia said smile.
"This is Victoria, Dominique and Louis." Fred said point them.
"We met once." Victoria said.
"Did you?" Bill asked.
"Yeah we were in library." She said.

Few hours later.

There door knocked as Harry open it and let someone in that he know who.
"Amelia, this is my godson, Teddy." Harry said, Teddy hair goes red, making everyone laugh include Amelia.
"Don't call me Teddy." Teddy said.
"Ted, that better?" Harry said Teddy hairs goes back normal.
"He is metamorphmagus." Fred said.
There another door knocked, Harry open it and let someone in, it Charlie, kids scream and ran to him as he gave them a bag of sweets, one of them each then he turn to see Amelia and smile.
"I couldn't forget you either, here." Charlie said hand her a bag of sweets.
"Thank you." Amelia said smile.
"I'm Charlie Weasley." Charlie said.

Few minutes later.

There again knock on door, Ginny open it and let someone in, it Percy and his family, "this is Percy and Audrey." Fred said "it nice to meet you." Percy said.
"This is Molly and Lucy." Fred said.
"Hey!" Molly and Lucy said same time.
"This is getting bigger." Amelia said. Everyone start to laugh and chuckles.

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