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Cheri surveyed herself in the mirror. Letting out a a loud sigh, followed by an audible " Blahhh" while patting her belly, turning sideways, making a face while sticking out her tongue, not happy at who was currently staring back at her. "We've got to fix this shit Cheri" she stated aloud to herself. A bachelorette party weekend is not exactly where she wanted to be. Fresh off of a breakup with her boyfriend of two years Patrick, she had been struggling to get in the "mood" . Had it not been that the party for her best friend since 5th grade, C.J. she would not be there at all! That and she was the maid of honor, it was kind of the expectation that she be there for her, if nothing else, and she would do nearly anything for C.J. Cheri in fact was a stunning girl, when she smiled she had gorgeous cheekbones, her hair was long, dark and curly, her brown eyes were framed by naturally thick lashes. She had large breasts, went in at the waist, a flatter belly, but wider hips, and thick, yet muscular thighs. She pulled out her makeup bag, and decided tonight she was determined to have a "great time!"....for C.J. As she drew a small cat-eye, she could hear the other girls laughing in the adjacent room... something about champagne....and men with hard bodies??? What??? Oh GOD NO!! Strippers??? Tell me it's not male strippers, she said to herself. She surveyed her smokey eye, and was actually quite satisfied. Just a little bronzer, and mascara, a bit of a red lip, and she would be ready to go. Tugging her black tank top lower, she was glad for the tan she had gotten by the pool today. She glanced down at her black leggings, We might just be able to pull this off, she smiled.

" Cherrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" C.J. squealed as Cheri emerged from the bathroom. " Guess where WE are going tonight"

"Strippers? Cheri replied blankly

"Ew! no strippers" C.J. made a face. Waving her hands in front of her, in a no motion.

"Thank God!" Cheri exhaled. Even the thought made her uncomfortable. " I heard you saying men... hard bodies..." She replied now waving her hands around.

"No." C.J. made a disgusted face. "There will be men with hard bodies there, and some soft bodies, I guess" making a thoughtful face.

Puzzled. Cheri looked over at the three other girls, that were perched on the bed. Smiles plastered across their faces as C.J. was about to drop the great news. The others were Leah, another childhood bestie, Claire and Anna, their high school friends. The girls had all remained close throughout their teens and now twenties. Cheri softened, she loved them all and they all looked so excited!

"Ok! Cheri asked excitedly. "Where are we going?"

" WWE LIVE! " C.J. sqeaked jumping up and down in front of Cheri. " Also, Anna got us all shirts! well and the tickets, Here's yours." She displayed a t-shirt and waved it back and forth quickly in front of Cheri and pushed it toward her chest.

"Yay! Cheri replied in the best fake voice she could muster, along with a dazzling fake smile, as she jumped up and down with C.J. What the efff? she thought. Cheri spun her black t shirt around and looked down at it. It looked like a parental advisory sticker, That read 'Dean Ambrose' and in the middle of the name it said 'UNSTABLE'. "Are you guys trying to tell me something, sending me out with a shirt on that reads, 'UNSTABLE', and who is Dean Ambrose? She laughed. The four other girls laughed with her.

"He's Good!" nodded CJ. " You're gonna like him, he is going to be there tonight" "Now lets get our drink on!" She yelled.

"Ok. I'll take your word for it" Cheri replied.


I had never been a big WWE fan. Not like the other girls. They still watched it religiously. Growing up I had watched it with them. I did pay attention then... as I grew older and went to college I had tossed wrestling to the side not caring much about it, I certainly hadn't watched much since high school, and I certainly have no I idea who "Dean Ambrose" is or why he might be unstable. Although lately I had been feeling a little that way myself. It had been two months since Patrick, and I decided right there and then it was time to let it go. I decided to modify my shirt a bit and went down to the front desk to ask for some scissors, I cut the neckline bigger to make it a little more sexy, off the shoulders. The others did the some modification to theirs too. I was looking at the names on the shirts. " Roman Reigns" doesn't ring a bell, "Seth Rollins" nope. "Undertaker" I know who that is... why couldn't I have his shirt? " Hardy Boyz" I knew them too. Once we were all modified, we downed three more bottles of champagne, and decided it was time to get downstairs and call a taxi. I applied my red lips, and slipped on a pair of ankle high boots with heels.

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