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~ Katsuki's Point of View ~

After class I came down to Ground Beta to train by myself for the sports festival.

I focused on endurance more than just power and strength, since that's something I lacked last year.

It didn't take long for rock debris to start flying sky high in every direction, but it was just a matter of time before my hands started throbbing in pain.

"Fuck!" I clenched my fists but kept going for a solid hour, and ended up with the same results. "Goddamn it!"

"That ain't gonna work if you keep straining yourself."

I turned around to find shitty-hair sitting on a boulder in his uniform. "If you're not here to train- then get out. Exit's over there."

"I'm aware." He smiled. "Need some help? Cause I know this great method on endurance that has little to no drawbacks depending on how its done-"

"I don't need your damn pity, so beat it." I turned my back to him and went to find another spot.

Kirishima sighed. "You like her too, don't you?"

I stopped in my tracks and grit my teeth in an attempt to restrain myself from pummeling this bastard. "Did I not beat you hard enough to get it through that thick skull of yours? Or does your quirk affect your brain too?"

He let out a dry laugh. "I'm sorry if you're mad, but I'm not gonna back down just because its you I'm up against."

"Like I give a shit."

"Well I do, because its Ayaka we're talking about here."

I scoffed. "Don't talk all high and mighty just because you're ahead of me, you bastard."

"I'm not here to declare a war I know I can't win. I just came here to ask.. why?"

"What the hell do you mean 'why'?" I turned to my shoulder to glare at him.

Shitty hair jumped off the boulder and walked up to me. "Why her? Wasn't Uraraka enough? I mean, you could have any girl you want- someone from the hero course who has the same aim as you."

I looked down on the ground and genuinely thought about my answer to that the question. I might not seem like the type to give a damn about shit like this but.. this is about her, and I'm willing to swallow my pride for that annoying midget any day.

I mean, what the fuck does a guy say to another guy when he likes the same girl? Damn.

"I guess that's the thing about Ayaka- she doesn't need to impress anyone." I smiled. "She flat-out forces you to like the things she does and you don't have a choice but to just deal with it. She's like this sensitive piece of shit that you just wanna abandon in a department store and feel good about it. But then, she'll find you and cry on you, and you can't help but find it.. calming."

Yeah, I said that shit. And this is as 'romantic' as I'll get so you can suck a fucking truck, Kirishima.

"That's the first time I heard you say something like that about a girl." He snickered, but not in a mocking way. It was more like out of pity for himself. "You must really like her then."

"No shit." I sighed. "Look, I gotta get back to training. So if that's all you came here for-"

"Actually, about the upcoming fundraiser."

"The Gala? What about it?"

"Ayaka, she um.." He cleared his throat. "She wanted me to tell you that she'll be waiting at the design room to make your costume for the auction."

Megalomania | Katsuki Bakugou x OC | My Hero AcademiaWhere stories live. Discover now