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~ Ayaka's Point of View ~

Thursday, 12:28 AM

Don't you ever just feel the need to eat breakfast for a midnight snack? Yeah, well that's me right now.

I was in the middle of cooking some delicious eggs and bacon when my phone went off. I had to turn the fire down a bit before picking up. "Talk to me."

"Hey, sorry to be calling so late. I missed your voice- and well, you." Katsuki mumbled, audibly exhausted from today's training that must've ended late yet again.

For the past three days, it's been just late phone calls for us like we're some teenagers sneaking around. It's because my brother's really working him to the bone in order to avoid any and all casualties in our upcoming family trip. Other than shooting practice, Kenji also taught basic survival skills if ever Katsuki gets lost in the snowy mountains we're about to venture on at the start of semestral break.

Which reminds me, I still have to go snow boots shopping.

"I missed you too. How was training today?"

"It's new. Training without using your quirk forces you to adapt with what you're given so, in a way, I kinda like it."

"That's good to hear." I smiled. "And how's Kenji for a mentor? Is he giving you a hard time?"

He chuckled lightly at that. "Nah, kid's actually good. Learned a lot from him since day one- he even taught me how to transfer heat throughout my body to avoid frostbite."

"I can't believe you guys are hitting it off."

"Yeah, but something was off about him today. This morning I saw him with a large circle of friends so during combat pratice I joked about how he must take after his mom a lot since Altair's too cold and unwelcoming. He ended our training the second I brought it up." He seemed confused but at the same time concerned. "Should I be worried?"

I looked down on the ground and sighed.

Even as kids, Kenji always dismissed it whenever I asked about his mother no matter how hard I tried. It wasn't until a few years later that I learned about how she died. It was a horrible memory to even begin with, that's why my brother decided to push all of it to the back of his mind and kept it under lock and key, never to be opened again.

"Don't take it too personally. It's normal for him to do that. So what are you doing right now?"

Something on his end sounded like rocks splashing around in water. "I'm just taking a quick dip. Everything's tense so I needed an ice bath."

"Aw, my poor overworked baby."

I really wish I could take care of him but I had some stuff to do as well. As the head of the family, I had to oversee some of the business plans and the new models of artillery that Mo Industry is scheduled to launch tomorrow.

And something else that involves Kirishima, but I'd rather not get into it right now.

I cursed under my breath when I realized that I forgot about my eggs and bacon.

Great, now everything's burnt!

"You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. Just ruined my midnight snack- damn it." I threw the food in the dispenser and forced myself to go back to my bedroom with an empty third stomach. "I really miss meals with you, especially your cooking. Oh, your god-tier cooking. My mouth's watering just by thinking about it."

His smile was audible as he assured me about spending every second of semestral break by my side. "By the way, metal boy said you were both coming to Angel-face's party on Friday. I didn't know you two were close."

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