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"Page sixty-three, scene five..." She flipped through the script, reading over the lines. "No... the emotions here have to be different."

Evelyn pouted as she wandered around the room. If only she had someone to practice with...

Jimin was off at practice with the other guys, and Luna was on a date with her boyfriend, so she can't help me either...

Evelyn's gaze landed on her phone which was on the bedside table, in phone form this time instead of human form. "Yo, V."

She received a message on the phone.

What? -From the system

"Can you help me practice? Like, I dunno, act out the scenes with me?" She asked.

I would, but I can't turn into human form right now. I used too much power today already. -From the system

Evelyn quickly plugged in her phone.  "Now?"

With a puff of smoke, V appeared with a smirk on his face. "Finally realized that I am useful?" He said teasingly as he walked over towards her.

"Well, as a phone, you're always useful. As a human, you can't really do anything." She shrugged. "Except for this, I guess."

He sighed.

"Also, can you stop talking to me when I'm around other people? They stare at me as if I'm a lunatic." She frowned a little, the scenes with Yoongi and Namjoon from earlier flooding into her head. "And can you explain to me why others can't see you—"

"Don't you need to practice that scene?"

"Oh, right. Here's the script." Evelyn nodded as she attempted to hand him the script by hand only to have V shake his head.

"Just send it to me over the cloud, it's easier."

"Wow, so high-tech." Evelyn rolled her eyes as she used her watch to send the file to him. "Did you receive it?"

"Yup." He furrowed his eyebrows a little as he processed the file. "Okay, page sixty-three, scene five, action."

Evelyn took a deep breath as she got into character.

"You don't remember me?" Her eyes watered as she stared at the man in disbelief.

V's eyes widened slightly at her tear-filled eyes. Even though he knew it was just acting, seeing her sad made his heart clench. If he... even had a heart.

~a few scenes later~

"And... done! Thanks!" Evelyn smiled proudly, wiping away the tears from her eyes. "You're actually really good at acting, surprisingly."

"You're not so bad yourself." V said with a side smile. "But I mean, isn't that expected from the best actress right now?"

Evelyn blushed a little. "Where—where did you even get that from?" What's with the sudden change in his attitude?!

"Well, from the amount of awards and nominations, to the huge success in the dramas you participated in, I believe that I'm saying the truth?" V lightly pinched the tip of Evelyn's nose.

"No--that's not true! There are many other actresses who are better and more experienced than I am." Evelyn's cheeks turned a darker shade of pink at V's actions.

"You're just being humble." V looked directly into Evelyn's eyes, "But if you insist, can I at least say that you're the best in my eyes?"

Evelyn ran to her bed and quickly got under the covers, using them to cover her face hoping to hide her burning cheeks. "I--I'm going to sleep now!"

V chuckled. "Alright. Good night~" He winked at Evelyn, "I can see you peeking from under the covers, by the way."

This successfully got him a pillow to the face.





She was falling into a bottomless pit, and as she fell further and further down, she could hear voices getting louder and louder.

"Stop talking. Behave, and nothing bad will happen to you or your family."




Suddenly, a pair of hands dragged her out of the seemingly bottomless pit, taking the girl into it's warm embrace. The voices began to grow quieter until only one remained.

"It's alright," he said gently, "I'm right here with you."



Thanks for reading! I think I've found a new love for writing fluffy scenarios XD

~ lostkookiez

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