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Evelyn stared at her silver phone, turning it around and around between her slender fingers, inspecting it curiously.

This is a human being?

Or whatever he was supposed to be?

"...vlyn. Evelyn. Evelyn." A loud tap on her desk brought Evelyn back to reality, "I'll take the phone."

Evelyn looked up with a sharp jerk in surprise, and being the clumsy person she was, she somehow managed to sprain her neck. "Ouch..." she frowned a little before looking up to her teacher.

"Wait, Mrs. Jeon—I can explain..." Her voice trailed off as Mrs. Jeon walked back to the front of the class without looking back.

Why was she thinking about V in the first place?

Can a phone really be human? Evelyn placed her head on her hands, bothered. Maybe it was just a dream?

Luna obviously noticed her best friend's behavior and sat up straighter to poke Evelyn from the seat behind her, "You alright? You're so distracted today..."

"Yeah, I'm fine." Let's... just say that it was a dream.

Luna widened her eyes a little as if she suddenly had an idea, smirking. "Are you thinking about a boyfriend...?"

"N—no?" A light blush began crawling up Evelyn's neck as she stuttered to answer her friend. "What gives you the impression that I am?"

V was her phone. Not her friend, let alone her boyfriend.

Although she does admit... he is quite good-looking. Actually, he's very good-looking.

"Your behavior... But it's fine, I understand." Luna giggled before spotting Mrs. Jeon's death glare and gesturing for Evelyn to turn back around to face the white board.

"What? I—"

"Evelyn. This is the second time this block. See me after school." Mrs. Jeon seemed irritated as she scolded sternly, tapping hard on the white board to draw her attention to the math equation written on the board.

Evelyn sighed in frustration and nodded. "I'm sorry."

~After School~

"Evelyn!" A boy who had light brown hair came running to her with a big grin on his face. "Do you want to come see our show this weekend?"

"Sure!" She smiled.

The boy's name was Park Jimin, Evelyn's older brother by two years. He is a member of a boy group along with four others.

Speak of the devils, the four boys were all walking over towards the siblings. Evelyn giggled a little and waved at them, "Hey!"

Wait, didn't Mrs. Jeon tell me to see her? Evelyn mentally gave herself a face-palm for forgetting. "Hang on guys. I have to talk to Mrs. Jeon."

"What happened?" Jeon Jungkook, one of the members of the boy group and also Mrs. Jeon's son tilted his head slightly to the side. Placing his jewelry identification book back in his bag, he continued speaking, "My mom's usually pretty nice. What were you doing in class?"

"I don't know, I probably just spaced out." Evelyn shrugged. "I'll be back."

She slowly made her way to Mrs. Jeon's classroom, hesitating slightly before entering.

Mrs. Jeon looks up from her documents and looks at Evelyn with a mixture of concern and frustration as she walks in. "Evelyn, you're usually always focused in class, what happened earlier?"

"I'm not sure what happened with me either, actually." The brunette giggled awkwardly, "You know, there are days when you just space out for no reason."

Technically she did have a reason, but who's going to believe her if she says her mind was on her phone who happened to turn into a human?

"Well, please pay attention next time, and don't let me see your phone in class again!" She shook her head at Evelyn and handed her the phone.

"Thank you." She nods and exits the classroom, sighing again as she stared down at her phone. "But seriously though, is this thing actually human...?"

"Of course I'm human, what makes you question that?"

"Geez!" Evelyn jumped in surprise, dropping her phone, as she is, again, a clumsy person.

White smoke surrounded the device and when it all cleared up, the man with silvery white hair stood before her with an eyebrow raised. "Hm?"

He was wearing a hoodie and jeans, but even the simplest outfit looked amazing on him. Guess this was a part of being good-looking.

"You—you shouldn't be here right now! Like, I'm in school and if other people see you—" Evelyn stuttered, not knowing what to do. So much for it being a dream...

"Shh..." He placed a finger on her lips, "No one else can see me. It's fine."

"Just turn back into phone form for goodness sakes! If you just follow me around like this, I can't focus." She whisper-shouted in frustration.

"Because I'm too handsome?"


"I'm not turning back into phone form, it's much more fun being human." He smirked. "I'll just follow you around for now, if you don't mind."

Did he seriously just say that?

"If I don't mind you say? I mind! I very much mind!" Evelyn rolled her eyes as she punched V lightly on the shoulder.

"That... didn't hurt at all." He chuckled, "Now, if I recall, don't you need to meet up with the five guys? You told them you'd be back."

"How do you know that?" Wasn't her phone with Mrs. Jeon?

"Ahem. Your watch that's paired with your phone." V cleared his throat and looked at Evelyn like she was from Mars.

"Wait, you can turn into human with my watch too?" She widened her eyes.

"Oh, no, but I can hear everything you say and I can sense everything you do." He grinned innocently.

"Wow, stalker much." Evelyn scoffed and walked back to the lobby where Jimin was.

V laughed and followed behind her.



Thanks for reading! As for five people in the group, obviously BTS is a seven member group, but it's needed for the plotline in the near future so just go with it :P

(I might post another chapter later this week! Idk, I'm just excited about this story because I think it's going to turn out rly well XD)

~ lostkookiez

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