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Evelyn walked over towards the four guys, feeling frustrated at the thought of the human phone behind her.

"Did you get in trouble?" Jimin tried to hold in his laughter but failed as he pats the top of Evelyn's head. "Aigoo, I thought my little sister was an obedient one."

Jimin obviously thought she was frustrated by the fact that she had to see Mrs. Jeon, but little does he know that it was of a completely different reason.

"Don't pat me!" The girl rolled her eyes in annoyance. "How pitiful that you have to find pride picking on your little sister because you're shorter than everyone else here."

Jin's jaw dropped slightly and made a mental note to never make fun of Evelyn.

"Damn." Namjoon chuckled as he pat Jimin's head, which caused Jimin to shoot him a death glare. "She's more savage than Yoongi."

Said boy looked at Namjoon with a face that looks like he was a second from committing murder, causing the other to shudder in fear.

"Thanks?" Evelyn raised an eyebrow before bursting into a fit of laughter. "Ah... it's so hard to not laugh when you all have faces like that."

A voice that was deeper than the others' chuckled.

"Goodness!" Evelyn jumped, startled as she wasn't expecting a third voice to suddenly appear before silently cursing at herself for forgetting that V was still here.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook looked at her. There didn't seem to be anything that could've startled her...

"Oh, nothing. I just got chills." Evelyn giggled awkwardly.

"V," She whispered quietly, "Quit startling me like that!"

"But I'm just trying to join the conversation!" The boy pouted. "Don't be mean. Besides, I didn't even say anything, I just laughed! You're overreacting."

Jimin looked in V's direction with an eyebrow raised. Strange... Is someone there?

"Why don't you just shut up?!" Evelyn rolled her eyes, leaving the other four bewildered.

"I didn't know you liked talking to yourself, Evelyn." Yoongi spoke up and yawned like it wasn't strange at all. He turned around to the other four and looked at them. "Why are you all looking at her like that?"

"I mean, telling yourself to shut up isn't really normal," Namjoon paused for a moment and looked at Evelyn, "No offence," then looked back at Yoongi. "But of course you wouldn't find it weird because you talk to yourself all the time as well."

"No offence taken..." Evelyn smiled forcefully as she nudged V out of irritation.

"Guys! Enough of that, how about we go eat? I'm hungry~" Jin whined and suggested.

"I'd love to, but I have to memorize lyrics for my upcoming drama, especially since I'm going to your concert this weekend!" Evelyn said. "I'll have to get that done by today if I want some free time."

"Oh, your drama with Kyungsoo?" Jin asked, curious.

"Yup, that one; the filming starts next week so I probably should've started memorizing earlier but I'm sure I'll get it done." The girl stuck her tongue out playfully. "I should probably go now. See you guys later?"

"Yeah, for sure." Namjoon casually put his hands in his pockets. "See you."

"But anyways, can we go eat?" Jin asked excitedly after Evelyn walked off.

"Nah, I'm good. I just want to sleep." Yoongi shrugged as he yawned.

"Of course you do. You want to be born as a rock in your next life." Jin rolled his eyes with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"You made that up." The other said calmly before walking off with swag.

"Yoongi, don't forget practice later tonight!" Jimin shouted.

"Yes, I know, I'm a genius."

"Ugh. Why does he listen to Jimin but not me? I am the one older than him!" Jin sighed. "Can we go eat then? Since the others obviously don't have enough love to spare for food?"

"Sure." Jungkook and Jimin both nodded and Jin cheered.

Namjoon shook his head, chuckling. Even if this hyung was the oldest, he really acts like the younger one. Even the actual maknae is more mature than he was.

But I guess, a sad smile made its way into Namjoon's face as he followed the other two to the restaurant, if the accident hadn't happened, the maknae would be a lot happier.



Thanks for reading! Here's the extra chapter I promised this week <3
Just to clarify, Evelyn is an actress and have been since she was a child :P

And yes, EXO members will be supporting characters here and there in this story o(^^)o

~ lostkookiez

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