T W E N T Y - N I N E

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The loud sound of Ivy's hand coming into contact with Valencia's cheek echoed throughout the entire room.

Valencia put her hand on her stinging cheek and choked back a sob.

"What are you, an idiot?! Are you really my daughter?!" Ivy yelled, grabbing Valencia by the hair and shaking her. "You know how important BH Corp. is, so why would you talk to Jung Hoseok?! You should know not to trust your mouth!"

Hearing her words, Valencia had an idea of what was told to her. They probably left out the part with Evelyn and the police station.

"I..." She hesitated. "I don't know... I just had some small talk with him before I heard about this..."

Ivy sighed angrily and let go of Valencia's hair, the sudden change in gravity making the younger one stumble and hit the wall.

"Leave the country."


"I'm sending you away. I'll have a plane ticket and everything else ready for you within the next few days." Ivy turned her back towards Valencia, "You've been nothing but trouble. I should've aborted when I had you."

Valencia fought back tears and nodded. "Alright. Just let me know when I'm leaving."

She wanted to stay in Korea, but she knew she couldn't. If Ivy wanted her gone, she was going to be gone.

It's better than sitting in prison, Valencia tried to comfort herself. You can still get an education and be successful.

Despite her knowing the kind of person her mother was, hearing those words come out of her mouth and directing themselves at her really stung.

She was her daughter after all, wasn't she? Why couldn't Ivy treat her like that? Or at least, treat her like an average human being and not a pile of sh*t on the floor?

Valencia left the office. The second she walked out of that building, she collapsed on the bench outside and began to sob.

This wasn't how it was supposed to end.

She was supposed to have Evelyn wrapped around her finger and she was supposed to take Evelyn's place and be loved by everyone.

What goes around really came around, huh?

With that thought in mind, she began to think about the past week more.

Why did she hate Evelyn so much? What did she ever do to her?

Why did she want to team up with Sakura?



No matter how many excuses she tried gaving herself, she knew in the back of her mind that there was no reason for her to act like she did.

Valencia laughed. It was a heartbreaking laugh and one that made fun of herself. "Ahh... Valencia. You really are crazy, aren't you? What part of your brain thought that what you did was okay?" She mumbled as she placed her hand on her cheek.

It was cold, covered in tears. She hadn't noticed how long she's cried until she felt the wetness on her face.

"We could've been friends. We could've, but your stupid ass decided it'd be a good idea to kidnap and take nude photos of her." She continued to laugh at herself, causing the people walking by to think that she was a lunatic.

I'm sorry, Evelyn.

It's okay if you can't forgive me, but...

...I truly am.


Hoseok: Hi.

Evelyn raised an eyebrow at the notification on her phone. Taking her waterbottle, she took a sip as she replied.

Me: Hello.

Hoseok: Can you pretend to be my girlfriend and come meet my parents with me?

She nearly did a spit take. "Excuse me?!" This was said louder than she expected and caused Taehyung, who was beside her, to jump.

They were in her apartment, chilling on the couch and watching a movie. A horror movie, to be exact, and Taehyung was already mortified from the gore and jump scares.

"JESUS CRIST, EVELYN!" He yelped, as he moves to about two meters away from her, "What is wrong with you?!"

Evelyn sighed and placed her phone in front of Taehyung's face. "This is what's wrong with me."

Before she could react, Taehyung snatched her phone away from her hands and typed a reply, sending it immediately.

"Dude!" Evelyn struggled to reach for her phone as she noticed what he was doing. "Give that back! What the hell did you send to Hoseok?"

However, amidst the chaos, she somehow ended up... on top of him. Taehyung chucked her phone at one of the cushions, causing it to flop onto the couch with a small thud.

Evelyn was about to get up and grab her phone, but he pulled her waist down and kept her against him. "Do you know what you're doing right now?" His voice was deep and husky as he whispered by her ear.

Her face flushed red when she realized the position they were in. Her legs were tangled with his and her head was placed on top of his chest. She could hear his steady heartbeat and she was sure he could hear hers too—one that was not so steady and instead beating out of control.

"Do you know how dangerous this is? Maybe you've forgotten, but I'm a man." Taehyung continued, his hot breath blowing gently on the back of her ear. "At least it's just me, and not someone else."

Evelyn tensed when she felt the heat on her ear. "Let—let go of me—" She's always had sensitive ears, and the warmth was nearly unbearable for her.

He shut her up with a kiss.

It sounds cheesy, but she really felt the fireworks throughout her entire body. It was something she'd never felt before—so strange, yet pleasant. His lips moved gently against hers and she began to kiss back. She tangled her hands in his smooth, silvery white hair as Taehyung placed his hands on her hips.

He softly bit her bottom lip, causing Evelyn to whimper slightly. Taking the opportunity, Taehyung tilted his head and leaned forward to deepen the kiss—


...that was the sound of the door unlocking.



Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it ^^

I have zero experience in writing kiss scenes hahaha, I tried my best!

~ lostkookiez

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