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"Did you really have to start a fight here?" Mel sighed and took off the heel she used to stop their fight with and examined it, looking for scratches. "These heels were expensive, you know?"

"I never told you to butt in." Kyungsoo glared at her. "Melanie, I recommend that you get out of the way."

Mel rolled her eyes, taking both her heels off and setting them neatly on the floor beside her feet. She combed through her brown-blond ombré hair with her fingers and stood confidently in between the two men.

"I'll give you two choices. One, be smart and leave while you still have some of your reputation, or two, fight me and lose all of it." She shrugged.

"I don't fight girls." Kyungsoo stood up straight and sighed. "That man right behind you cheated on my sister, do you think I'm going to let him off the hook so easily?"

"I'm only trying to save your career as an idol." Mel raised an eyebrow. "You don't fight girls? I don't know if I should call you a gentleman or a chicken."

Kyungsoo clenched his fists and bit his lip. "I swear I'm going to —"

Mel landed a kick on his stomach with enough force to shut him up and be pushed backwards but not hard enough to injure him. She elegantly brought her leg back by her side and dusted off her dress.

"Aish..." he cursed under his breath as he glanced back up at the girl. "Just let me beat some sense into him."

Mel shook her head. "Nope. No fighting."

Kyungsoo shut his eyes for a moment as if to calm himself down before opening them and looking directly at Minhyuk. He grabbed the younger one by the collar again and glared at him, "Don't even think about going near Luna ever again."

Minhyuk gulped and nodded. Kyungsoo dropped him back onto the marble floor and left the restaurant, shoving past reporters and paparazzi on his way.

Luna slowly stood up, still shaken from the whole incident. She looked at the reporters and spoke, her voice cracking on the first word.

"I'll pay you all as much money as you want... just don't leak any of this. I'm begging you."

Mel glanced at her, slipping her heels back on and running over to hug her friend.

~ back at the hospital ~

Her heart sank when she saw the monitor turn red, the beeping noises filled her ears, and the doctors and nurses scurrying into the room and out.

Myra sat outside the emergency room, her head in her hands and her breathing uneven. She was hyperventilating and unstable both mentally and physically from staying up multiple nights in a row, but she knew she had to stay strong.

"Dad..." she muttered, her voice hoarse from not speaking. "Please..."

She knew this could happen at anytime. She thought she was mentally prepared, but when her father went into critical condition, she was far from it.

The door of the room opened and a doctor walked out, a frown on his face as he saw the girl sitting by the door.

"Ms. Seo, we're really trying our best." He said, "But please prepare yourself."




The doctor went back into the room and the door shut once again, leaving Myra alone on the waiting room.

She collapsed onto the white tile floor, her vision fading in and out of focus. Tears were still falling from her eyes, and she heard footsteps. Very faint footsteps, that is, but it was slowly getting louder.

Until it stopped altogether.



What happened to you? Gosh, hold on a second, I'll get someone to help you...

Her eyes opened slightly, trying to get a view of the owner of the voice. Ears still ringing, she saw blonde hair.

The last time she checked, Sehun dyed his hair blonde for the comeback.

Myra laughed quietly at herself for that thought. He wouldn't give a care in the world about me.

Funny how it's him I imagine at times like this.

Sehun stares at the girl on the floor, his eyebrows furrowed together. Even though he didn't want to admit it, his heart was pounding and aching at the predicament she was in.

He bit his bottom lip and carried her bridal style to the main lobby of the hospital room, hissing when he moved his wound.

"Can you get a doctor for her?" Sehun said to the secretary as a drop of sweat made its way down his face.

Not that Myra was heavy — in fact, he thought she was way too light. He wasn't even supposed to be walking around in the first place, and carrying someone whilst being injured probably isn't the best idea in the world.

"Mr. Oh!" The secretary stood up right away. "Put her down, you'll make your injuries worse—"

"I don't care!" He shouted, startling the woman. "Get someone to check her please."

He put so much emphasis on the word "please" that it sounded more like a threat than a request asked politely.

"Okay! I'll — I'll do that right away..." The secretary widened her eyes and punched in a few numbers on the phone.

Soon, a group of doctors came rushing over, took Myra and brought her to a hospital room.

Why was he worried about her? He shouldn't be going out of his way to make sure she's okay.

After all, she was no one of importance. She was just a waitress at a restaurant with a pretty face.

"Is she okay?" He asked, but wanting to slap himself on the inside for saying that.

"She passed out due to fatigue, but she should be fine within a few hours." The doctor smiled politely. "Mr. Oh, I'd recommend that you head back to your room now."

"That's what I was just about to do." He nodded, "Oh, and when this lady wakes up, please don't tell her I brought her here. As a public figure the least I want is a scandal."

"Understood." The doctor replied and Sehun left.




Thanks for reading~ the first part of this chapter was so satisfying to write (Mel be slayinggg)!

The second part... kind of hurt me on the inside, not going to lie XD




Thank you all so much for supporting this book!! When I saw this I was (jung)shook >_<

~ lostkookiez

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