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After saying goodbye to the members of EXO, Evelyn took her phone by the hand and left the hospital.

The EXO concert still had to continue, whether the maknae was with them or not, so Evelyn wanted to sleep before a hectic day ahead of her.


The voice came from the figure in the alleyway, sounding familiar but she couldn't pinpoint where she had heard it before.

"Who is it?" Evelyn clenched V's hands a little tighter. Was it a saesang?

V's gaze followed the sound and landed on a man wearing a dark leather jacket over a white shirt and ripped jeans. Words annotated his vision as his programming began to analyze the outfit, and he found out everything was from designer brands.

The man walked out from the dark, having sunglasses on despite it being night. He took them off and glanced at her, swirling a lollipop around in his mouth.

"You're Jimin's sister, right?"


"Hey babe." Luna said quietly into the phone, her voice slightly raspy from getting woken up. "Why are you calling at this hour?"

A voice of a man answered. "Can we go somewhere tomorrow?"

"Minhyuk, I told you already. My brother is finally back in town and I'm going to see his concert for two days." She giggled a little.

"Alright..." Minhyuk sighed into the phone, "Text me when the concert ends and I'll go pick you up."

"You really don't need to—"

"Now head to sleep, sorry for waking you up." He said gently. "Good night."

"...night." She smiled at his words and waited for him to hang up, which he did after a few seconds.

"What did that boyfriend of yours tell you?"

Luna jumped up and fell off her bed at the sudden sound. "What the f—"

"Language." Kyungsoo walked into her room and glanced at his sister on the ground.

Luna stared at him, her head on the wooden floor and her feet were still on the mattress. Her hands had kept her from falling on her face and breaking her nose, her mouth was still open, shook by the sudden intruder.

How the hell did he—

"Spare key." Kyungsoo said as if he was reading her mind. He sat on the bed and spun the key around on his index finger.

Luna's feet hit the ground with a loud thud. She sat up, brushing the hair out of her face. She crawled over to her brother and sat down on the floor.

"Why are you always doing stuff like coming into my apartment without telling me? I could call the cops on you."

Kyungsoo shrugged. "Whatever. Besides, I have to come here to check on you as I am your older brother and I'm supposed to look after you."

"Restricting my relationships isn't 'looking after me'!" Luna stood up with a sigh as she crossed her arms in front of her chest. "You should find a girlfriend too. Don't go crying to mom and dad when you're in your late fifties and is still a loner."

"Do you really think I'd be alone for that long?" Kyungsoo raised an eyebrow mockingly. "I'm way more popular than you are. I just don't feel like now's the right time to start dating."

"Say, Kyungsoo—"

"Oppa, go on."

"Say, Kyungsoo-is-an-idiot, if you're that against me dating Minhyuk, how'd you like it if I date one of your band mates?" Luna smirked.

Her brother's eyes darkened at the thought of Luna with one of the members.

"Don't even think about it." Kyungsoo said, clearly not pleased with her thinking.

"Oh, come on." Luna rolled her eyes and looked at Kyungsoo teasingly, "I'd say Chanyeol's a pretty nice guy. Hm, Yixing's not bad either."


"You know I'm joking. I'm already taken." Luna laughed, "Quit being so serious all the time. I think I'll skip the concert tomorrow, sorry."

This was when the inner Satansoo began to make its way to the surface of Kyungsoo's mood.

"Please don't tell me you're actually going to see—what's his name again? Minhorse?"

"Bingo! I'm going to surprise him." Luna clicked her tongue and winked. "By the way, it's Minhyuk."

Kyungsoo sighed. "Fine, suit yourself."

At this point in time, Luna had no idea what was about to happen to her seemingly perfect relationship.

If she had known, she would've listened to Kyungsoo from the very beginning.


Music blasted from the practice room despite it being late at night. Jimin stared intently at his reflection in the mirror, sweat dripping from his forehead and landing on the hardwood floor.

He let out a frustrated shout after not being able to master a move and slammed his finger on the power button of the speaker. Plopping down onto the floor, his eyes danced from one corner of the room to another, burying his head into his knees soon after.

"Not enough," He muttered, still panting from the dance session. "If I want to do better for the fans, this isn't enough."

The door of the practice room squeaked open and the maknae's head peeked through.

"Take a break, hyung." He sighed when he saw Jimin's position and walked into the room. "Don't push yourself too hard."

"But I'm not doing enough. I don't have time to take a break. I've wasted a minute sitting here already." Jimin lifted his head and looked at Jungkook, his eyes slightly red. "Especially since it's just the five of us now, I should work even harder."

He couldn't break down in front of Jungkook.

"It was Namjoon-hyung's performance today, wasn't it?" The younger one sat next to Jimin, "Do you think Taehyung would be happy to see you work yourself so hard?"

Jimin sighed and stood back up. "I should get back to practicing—"

Jungkook stood up with him and before Jimin could go to the speaker, he dragged him out of the room. "Go shower and sleep."

"Jungkook!" Jimin shouted, frustrated.

Why did the maknae have to be so strong?!

"If you want to give a good performance to the ARMYs that are coming to see us tomorrow, go sleep." Jungkook said with a slight smile.

He knew that putting on the best performance possible was the older's goal, and he knew Jimin would listen to him.

ARMY, we'll do our best again tomorrow.



Thanks for reading! Constructive criticism is welcome since I'm always looking for ways to improve my writing XD

~ lostkookiez

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