T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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"Have you guys heard about... Tae? The new student here?" Namjoon said cautiously as he made his way towards Bangtan's lunch table. He was afraid of bringing this up at first, since Taehyung was such a sensitive subject to the members, but he assumed that they'd already heard about him.

"...Yeah." Yoongi was the first to reply. "What about him?"

"They look so much alike... could they be the same person?" Namjoon stated his point, only to get disapproving looks from Jimin, Yoongi and Jin. He shrugged a little, "Haven't you guys thought about this?"

"We were at Taehyung's funeral, Namjoon." Jin spoke up, his eyes showing mixed emotions. "There's no way. Besides, if Taehyung was alive, he would've contacted us. The years we've been friends and trainees together must've meant something to him, right?"

If they did happen to be the same person, he really wouldn't know how to react.

It's exactly the opposite that you're thinking of though, Jin-hyung. Jungkook obviously didn't say this out loud. He knew he'd be better off keeping what he knew a secret. He's somewhat alive but he didn't contact us at all.

Then a audacious thought popped into his brain.

What if... V did become Tae? Maybe he became human?

He quickly shook his head and told himself it probably wasn't possible. But even so, he still had one question.

What exactly is V's relationship with Evelyn?

Perhaps he needed to talk with Evelyn again, and soon. Not just about the ghost V situation, but also about him and her.

After all, after he confessed, Taehyung popped out from nowhere and stepped in. Evelyn ran off after and then the trail of events happened. Jungkook didn't get any chance to think about the position he's in or what he meant to Evelyn.

If Evelyn decides to accept his confession, then he would definitely treat her like a princess and make sure nothing bad happens to her ever again.

If she rejects it, he'd probably not be able to move on very quickly. After all, he's liked her for a while. Possibly even longer than what he thinks because he realized his feelings waaay too late.

The thing is, he has a gut feeling that she would decline his feelings. Probably in a nice way, though. Even despite the fact that she accepted it just a few days ago, she never brought it up again after he met with Taehyung.

That made Jungkook think. What did Taehyung tell her?

Perhaps... she realized that she likes Taehyung?

Everything would make sense then.

The maknae smiled a little, but it wasn't a smile out of happiness. You could see the hint of sadness in his eyes.

He wasn't going to give up, though.

Taehyung, let's see who she chooses in the end.

"Maknae." Jin slapped Jungkook on the back, causing him to wince slightly. "What are you thinking about? You're never so quiet."

"I'm thinking about a science project." He replied, rolling his eyes. This eye roll made him notice three figures at a nearby table.

"Jimin, that's your sister." Jungkook pokes the older one and points at the table in the other corner of the cafeteria.

Jimin shrugged, "She insisted on coming to school today."

"Yes I know, but look at who's—" Jungkook shook his head, trying to finish his sentence.

"Let's just eat." Jin cut him off, looking excitedly at the food in his plate.


"She's sitting with Luna and... and Tae?! The new student! How in the world do they know each other?!" Namjoon widened his eyes.

"That's what I've been trying to say!" Jungkook raised his voice, causing the students around them to look at him. Noticing this, he lowered his voice again, "Why do you only listen when Namjoon talks?"

Seeing Evelyn and Tae together solidified his theory. There's no way Tae could already be close enough to eat lunch with Evelyn and Luna on his first day here, so the only explanation would be that they already knew each other.

Unaware that her brother and his friends were talking about her, Evelyn turned to Luna. "This is Tae."

"Yes, I know." Luna nodded, "Everyone has already heard about him. What I want to know is, where do you know him from?"

"Uhh..." Evelyn paused, trying to think of a response that won't make her look like she's crazy.

"We met at an acting class and I practiced with her." Taehyung said, reacting quickly. "We became friends after that and I decided to transfer to this school."

Evelyn nodded, going along with his words. "Yeah, he helped me with memorizing lines for my upcoming drama too."

"I see." Luna nodded, looking slightly skeptical. "Are you going to tell me about what happened this past weekend?"

The light in Evelyn's eyes seemed to dim and she became silent for a moment. It wasn't something she wanted to talk about, but she knew it'd make her feel better if she told her best friend about it.

Taehyung noticed her reactions and naturally put an arm around her shoulder to comfort her. He would've kissed her forehead, but he didn't want Luna to become one of those protective best friends.

He had all the time in the world to make Luna entrust Evelyn with him, so he didn't want to rush anything.

Luna seemed to notice that she hit a soft spot and mentally slapped herself. "I'm sorry, I won't force you to tell me if you don't want to."

"No, it's alright." Evelyn smiled a little and began telling her side of the story.

"Something happened on Saturday that made me feel... lost. So I went to the river—the one we used to hang out by—and I sat there to clear my mind."

"Then... someone came up from behind me and placed a piece of cloth around my mouth. It smelled like... acetone and alcohol, but I think I passed out soon after so I didn't get a chance to think about what it was."

"And then—" She paused, taking a deep breath before continuing, "The next thing I remember is... them ripping off my clothing, and taking bunch of pictures. Then I went unconscious again, and I just remember the Bangtan members and Sehun taking me out of the warehouse."

Luna's eyes widened as she stood up, walked around the table and gave Evelyn a hug. "I can't believe so much happened... I'm so sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry," Evelyn said as Luna sat back down. "If I'm not mistaken, something happened to you as well?"

Luna sighed. "Yeah."



I know this is a bit of a weird time to update (12am where I live lol) but I've been out of town the past week and I missed my usual update time on Thursday because I had no wifi T-T

Never mind that, I'm back now!

Hope you liked this chapter ^^

~ lostkookiez

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