T W E N T Y - F O U R

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As soon as Sehun saw the first picture, he snatched the camera from Namjoon. The latter stepped away sensibly.

They were awful pictures of Evelyn, unconscious. Jimin clenched his hands into fists when he saw them, furious nearly to the point where he felt like committing murder.

Valencia's face was pale and cold sweat dripped down her chin, "You—you have no proof that I took those—"

"Cut the bullsh*t." Jin, who has kept quiet throughout the whole thing, suddenly spoke up.

The other members tensed when they heard the eldest one swear.

"Stop struggling. If you really want to, we can go to the police station and check fingerprints." Jin said coldly, "Just give it up."

The group left the warehouse, leaving Valencia alone in the room. They didn't want to take her, but she definitely has no where to go once her mom finds out what she did.

She'll get the punishment she deserves.

... later that night ...

Sehun walked into the bar dressed in ripped jeans and a hoodie with the hood on and a mask to cover his face. His mind was overflowing with the events of the day, and now that he knew Evelyn was alright, he should be able to finally relax for a bit.

The problem is, Sehun just can't allow himself to.

As an older brother, he is beyond mad at himself that he let his little sister get hurt. He was supposed to protect her. He wasn't supposed to let anything like this happen to her again.

The little voices in his head kept on blaming him for what happened. If only he'd paid more attention to her—if only he'd visited her at the shooting of the drama—

It got to the point where he couldn't take it anymore and decided to come to the bar for a drink. Maybe if he got drunk, the voices would go away.

Sehun sat on the barstool, not bothering look up and make eye contact with the bartender. "A Manhattan."

Sakura's eyes widened when she heard the familiar voice. Her heart dropped and spun around, spotting the man by the counter.

"Do you want me to repeat my order?" Sehun raised an eyebrow and lifted his head.

"You wanted a Manhattan right?" Sakura asked, and when Sehun nodded, she turned around to begin mixing the drink.

He doesn't remember me, Sakura told herself, He doesn't know Sakura. It's okay. He won't know it was me.

Sehun flinched a little at the tone of voice he could've sworn that he heard else where. She seems so familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time—where had he seen someone like her before?

"Alright, here you go." Sakura placed the drink on the counter, her pinky finger lightly brushing against the bottom of the cup before she let go of it and went to a different customer.

And it was this small action that caught Sehun's attention.

"Laven—" He cut himself off and sneered at himself. "Ah. That's impossible."

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