Chapter 9//

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Song: Vertigo by U2

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Song: Vertigo by U2


I'm sitting passenger of Adam's truck, staring up at a mansion that's already crowded with Arden Prep students. Adam wasn't kidding when he said that Olivia had a huge house. The fact that she lives in the middle of the country is probably the only reason she hasn't had the cops called on her yet. The music is so loud that I swear I can see the house shaking and the drunken teenagers are louder. 

"You ready?" Adam asks, his hand already on the door handle. 

I nod and shed my jacket. I shove my phone in my back pocket and step down onto the cracked black top. I instantly hear someone call Adam's name. My friend waves at the person, but doesn't say hi back. He walks next to me, a bright smile on his lips. 

When we step into the house, I'm immediately overwhelmed. I used to go to parties every weekend back in my old life. I thrived off them. Somehow, it was different here. The crowd and noise gave me anxiety. Every time someone yelled or bumped into me, I jumped. 

"You alright?" Adam leans in closer to me so that I can hear him. 

I nod, forcing a smile on my lips. "Just not a huge fan of crowds."

Adam places a reassuring hand on my lower back, "Let me get you something to drink." 

I watch him make his way throw the sea of people to the kitchen. I can see him pour two drinks into a pair of red solo cups. He quickly finds me again, handing me one of the cups. I sniff it before I bring it to my lips. 

"It's a fuzzy navel, barely any alcohol in it." He tells me, taking a swig, of whatever is in his cup. He notices how I look at him and laughs. "Mine's only orange juice, want a taste?" 

I shake my head, "I trust you. I was just making sure you weren't being stupid." 

"Not with you in the car." He promises. 

I notice Olivia then, swinging her hips wildly as she makes her way through the crowd. She's carrying a tray of Jell-O shots in her hands. She's wearing a sequined mini dress that just about shows all of her assets. A pair of knee high boots are on her feet. Her makeup is so heavily caked on and dark that I can barely see the color of her eyes. Her hair is pulled up into an elegant pony tail. She looks like she belongs in a night club, not a high school party. 

She stops at the front of the living room where a makeshift DJ is playing around with two giant speakers. The DJ hands her a mic and instantly shuts off the music. I hear groans across the sea of people, but they die down once Olivia clears her throat. 

"Welcome, Arden Prep, elite!" She screams into the microphone. "You're the best of the best!" The crowd cheers. "Now, I only have one rule tonight, and if you follow that than it's going to be a rocking night! There's a handful of trustworthy faces around here wearing a bright pink bracelet. You guys, raise your hands." Half a dozen people put their hands in the air. "These are the designated drivers. They each are passing around a bowl. Everyone's keys should go into a bucket! When the party ends, I'll determine if you're sober enough to drive." 

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