Chapter 37//

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Song: Trust by Boy Epic

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Song: Trust by Boy Epic


Adam and I spend a few more hours dancing and downing cans of soda. We watch a couple of people play beer pong, cheering them on. Over all, we're having a great time. We dropped the whole Kaleb Nixon subject and decided not to worry about him.

But, I should know well enough that I can't get rid of a boy like Kaleb Nixon.

I'm sitting on the back porch, chatting with a nice boy from Arden that I've never met. He even laughs at my jokes, which is rare. I'm about to ask him if he wants to dance when I hear a annoyingly famailar voice calling my name. I spin around quickly to look for the voice, praying that it isn't who I think it is.

Sure enough, Kaleb Nixon is pushing through the crowd towards me. He looks determined as his wide eyes take me in. My heart drops clear into my stomach. The boy I'd been talking to sees Kaleb as well, he's quick to disappear.

Kaleb is close now, only feet away. He stops, keeping his distance from me. I don't stand up, I don't trust my knees to hold me. The distance between us is full of tension and static.

"Greer, I really need to talk to you." His voice shakes as he speaks to me, I can see the uneasiness in him.

My eyes skirt around us, no one's paying attention to us. I finally stand to my feet and take a step towards him. "Kaleb-" I break off, unsure what to say to him. Apart of me wants to turn him away, tell him I have nothing to say to him. The other part can see the sadness in his eyes and wants to make him feel better.

"Please, Greer." He begs.

I look him over for a moment before I give him. "Okay."

Kaleb doesn't step towards me, he just turns around and starts leading me through the crowd. We pass through the living room and the kitchen. We step outside and Kaleb leads me aroud the porch to the side of the house. We find two vacant chairs and take a seat. Kaleb doesn't say anything at first. We sit in awkward silence.

"What did you want to talk about, Kaleb?" I prompt.

His eyes snap to mine, "I wanted to talk about last night."

I lean away from him, "I don't think there's any thing to talk about. You made yourself very clear."

He shakes his head and runs his hands down his face. "No, I didn't handle things right. What I said to you after we-" He breaks off, unable to speak the word. "I didn't mean it."

"Then why did you say it?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"Because I'm stupid and I'm a jerk." He laughs dryly. "I panciked. I got scared."

"You got scared?" I balk.

"Yeah, believe it or not, you scare the crap out of me."

"You're not serious." I laugh. "How many times have you told a girl that?"

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