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Song: I'm Moving On by Rascal Flatts

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Song: I'm Moving On by Rascal Flatts


"Hi, Mom and dad." I whisper.

It's been almost a month since I was shot. It's been almost a month since Bash was arrested, along with everyone involved in my parents' murders. It was almost surreal. The stitched up wound in my side is the only reason that I know it's real.

It's gotten colder since I was released from the hospital; the winter months are fast approaching. I tug my thick cardigan closer to fight the breeze. Orange and red leafs blow around my feet. I take in a deep breath and kneel in the cold grass. I reach forward and place the bouquet of flowers on the ground.

"I miss you." My voice gets caught in my throat as I stare at the names etched onto the headstones.

Now that my parents' murderers were behind bars, I was permitted to visit where my parents were buried. Turns out they were laid to rest in North Dakota, where my mother was originally from. They were given a nice gravesite: under a weeping willow in the center of the cemetery. Mom would've loved it.

"I'm doing okay." I whisper, reaching forward to run my fingers across their cold names. I know they're not really here, but I instantly feel more at ease. A smile crosses my lips, "You wouldn't believe what I've been through these last few months, something straight out of one of mom's action novels."

I sit there a moment longer, starring at the words etched on the marble. It's plain and simple. I wish I could've picked the words out. Mom would've wanted something funny like, "Can you move, you're blocking my view?" Dad would've wanted something deep like, "The journey is the reward". Maybe I'll ask if I can have them changed, I have the money to do so now.

After it came out that the VP of the company my father worked for was the one that had him killed, the company was closed for an investigation and the court hearing went by fast. They wanted to get it done as quickly as possible to keep it from the media's eye. I wanted the whole world to know what they did, but I was advised to take the settlement that I was offered from the company for my "pain and suffering". I was probably one of the wealthiest seventeen year olds in the U.S now. Of course, I wouldn't see the sum of the money for a few more months, not until I turn eighteen.

I stand back to my feet, reaching up to wipe the tears from my eyes. I might have lost the two most important people in my life, but I'd also gained some new ones. Turns out, Arden was smaller than I thought. It had barely been a week before the whole school knew who I really was. Leo couldn't stop it, no one could. The rumors flew wide and fast, and most of them weren't actually rumors. It had been less than a week when Adam showed up at the hospital, feeling extremely guilty and not exactly sure how to handle things. In the end, he said it was the coolest thing that happened to Arden Prep.

Suddenly, someone's strong arms wrap around my waist from behind. My smile brightens. I clasp my fingers between theirs and rest my head against their chest. "They would've like you, you know."

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