Son of Godzilla Discussion

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Before I continue to write in this I wanted to say RIP to the man who originally played Godzilla and that man was Haruo Nakajima he was the one who played Godzilla in the first movie and continued to play the character and other Toho Kaiju throughout most of the Showa series. His performance as Godzilla is fantastic and he really gave the character a distinct personality. He was a kind and loving soul and the world will miss him.

So in today's page it brings us to Son of Godzilla. This one is both very cheesy and heartwarming at the same time. I mean it's got some of the best and worst things in the Godzilla series. So let's talk about that.

Plot: In this one we see a group of scientists on an island trying to learn to control the weather. But, they picked a bad spot because this island is full of Insect Kaiju, Godzilla, and Godzilla's son Minya or Minilla. Whatever you prefer to call him. I personally prefer to call him Minya because well that's what they call him in Godzilla's revenge (you know everyone's favorite). Anyways, like the previous Godzilla movie (Godzilla vs the sea monster) this one takes place away from the civilization and is entirely on an island. (Mostly due to Budget reasons). I'm fine with it. It's interesting to see what Godzilla is up to on his down time.

Ok so let's talk about the bad things in this movie. Again this is all subjective. For one thing the Godzilla suit isn't very good in this movie. I don't like the design of the head and it appears to be a step down in quality from the previous films.

The design of Godzilla's son while hilarious still looks pretty bad

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The design of Godzilla's son while hilarious still looks pretty bad. Shouldn't Minya look more like his father or mother??? Wait what is Godzilla in this movie? Male or Female? Does Godzilla produce asexually? Or does Godzilla have a mate and maybe that explains why Minya looks so bizarre and hardly resembles his father.

Kaiju:Ok let's talk about the Kaiju in this movie

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Ok let's talk about the Kaiju in this movie. The opponents Godzilla faces are all insects.
There's Kamacarus which is basically a giant grasshopper.

Then there's the Main villain Kumonga which is really just a giant spider

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Then there's the Main villain Kumonga which is really just a giant spider. Nothing too original here. And it does kind of baffle me how Kumonga is able to give Godzilla so much trouble in this movie. I can under Minya because he was just born. But, Godzilla has fought much stronger opponents then this and kicked their ass. In the end though father and son team up to finish it off as the people get their weather machine to work and make it snow.

Then in the most heartwarming scene in the entire movie. Godzilla just walks away and leaves his son face first in the snow. Minya just wants to be loved by his father and Godzilla isn't having any of it. As Minya starts to cry a bit Godzilla ultimately comes out of the bitter shell he is in and goes and hugs his son to some nice music. I dare you to try and not go awwww at this moment.

When it comes to this movie the best parts are when Godzilla has to interact with his son. Little moments like when Minya rides on Godzilla's tail or the scene where Godzilla teaches his son to breathe fire are pretty great.

Overall I still really enjoy this movie

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Overall I still really enjoy this movie. I like the music, and the innocence it has to it. It's not my favorite nor would I really put it in my top 10 but I still like it.

Anyways, I'll be back again next time to talk about one of the biggest and best Godzilla movies in the entire series. Destroy All Monsters! Thank you for reading and be sure to let me know in the comments below what you thought of Son of Godzilla! So until next time bye!

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