Godzilla vs. Gigan Discussion

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Welcome back to another Godzilla movie discussion. Im trying to catch up on these in time for the new Godzilla movie coming out this November. Also, this way I can discuss other Toho monster movies and other Godzilla stuff. Anyways, let's talk about this movie.

Plot: Some comic book artist gets a job at a Monsterland theme park that is being run by evil cockroaches disguised as people who want to take over the world using the monsters Gigan and King Ghidorah.

First off this one is not quite as kid friendly as the last couple of movies. This one has a bit more of an edge to it with all the swearing and bloody violence.

Also, in the English version the monsters talk and it's horrific. Both Godzilla and Anguirus sound like a heavy smokers. It's pretty terrifying.

But, anyways these evil cockroach people. (Just go with it. It's pretty funny). Use these things that they call "Action Tapes" to control Ghidorah and Gigan. They also built a giant Godzilla tower that they plan on using to kill Godzilla with its deadly laser beam. So the humans in this movie have to try and stop them.

I used to watch this movie a lot when I was younger. (I owned 2 copies of this movie on VHS) It's not one of the most well liked in the series but it does give introduce us to the monster Gigan who would appear in the next movie and also the tv show Zone Fighger (which sadly has not been released here in the good old United States so unfortunately I have not been able to watch it aside from a few obscure clips on YouTube). I really like the design of Gigan. It looks pretty cool (He would later appear in Godzilla: Final Wars and receive an even more badass looking update).

As far as King Ghidorah goes in this movie you might be wondering why he's still alive. Well destroy all monsters took place in the future and this movie was the present. So yeah he technically didn't die yet. Also, I guess these cockroach people took control over him from the Xiliens. I guess King Ghidorah is like a rent a space monster type deal.

The battles in this movie have their moments the big highlight is the tag team finale with Godzilla and Anguirus taking on Gigan and Ghidorah. Although, the fights rely on way too much stock footage which is very disappointing. In the end though the monsters are sent away and we get to hear this song.

Super catchy right? Anyways, one thing that's interesting to note is the way the cockroach people summon these monsters. They do so by exploding these red and blue gems that the monsters I guess were contained in? I honestly have no idea how these things work but it looks cool.

Anyways, I'm not sure what else I should say in this next part here. So I guess I'll just wrap it up. If you want to talk more about this movie we can do so in the comments below. As always be sure to let me know what you all thought of Godzilla vs Gigan in the comments below so that we can discuss it further. Thanks for watching and I'll be back again soon. As next time we get to talk about Jet Jaguar! Thanks for readind. 😁

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