Godzilla vs. Biollante Discussion

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Hey everyone and welcome back to another edition of my Godzilla Discussion page. In today's discussion we will be talking about Godzilla vs Biollante!

 In today's discussion we will be talking about Godzilla vs Biollante!

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Ok so just to get this out of the way. I have the least amount of feelings for this one when it comes to the 2nd series. I didn't see it until years later and the movie does drag at parts for me.

Plot: This movie takes place after the events of Godzilla 1985/The Return of Godzilla. In the beginning of this movie we see some people taking Godzilla's cells (G-Cells) for research. There's a lot of conflict over this in the movie. With various parties searching for the cells. Eventually some scientist (whose daughter passed away) decides to experiment with his daughters cells, plant cells, and G-Cells which created Biollante! Then Godzilla shows up emerging from the volcano he's been trapped in since the last movie. He fights Biollante, and the military has to try and stop him and you get the point.

 He fights Biollante, and the military has to try and stop him and you get the point

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This is one of the most unique looking monsters in the Godzilla series. It's basically the mutant plant from little shop of horrors on steroids. From what I've heard it was a real pain in the ass for the crew working on this movie to get this thing to move for them. Which I can tell. It's an interesting design and I enjoy it for its creativity.

Psychic Stuff:This movie introduces the character of Miki Saegusa and the whole psychic angle in this series

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Psychic Stuff:
This movie introduces the character of Miki Saegusa and the whole psychic angle in this series. It's not too big a factor in this movie but it does become a factor later on in the series and Miki herself would play a important part in the rest of the Heisei series.

GodzillaNow, on to Godzilla

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Now, on to Godzilla. His Entrance is pretty great emerging from the volcano. There isn't as much Godzilla content in this movie as I what we get is pretty good. The military sends "The Super X 2"  to battle Godzilla.

It's more powerful than the first Super X, and is remote controlled so that it could keep the people piloting it safe from Godzilla's wrath. As  you'd expect Godzilla destroys it and fights Biollante.

The battles in this movie get pretty graphic at points. There's a real grotesque part where Godzilla gets stabbed through the hand. It's great.

In the end Biollante is defeated and Godzilla sort of just passes out

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In the end Biollante is defeated and Godzilla sort of just passes out. (They explain it in the film but I did t feel like writing it down lol). At the end of the movie Biollante just sort of ascends into space turns into a giant flower and that's sort of it.

 At the end of the movie Biollante just sort of ascends into space turns into a giant flower and that's sort of it

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While I like some of the Godzilla elements to this and I think Biollante is a cool looking monster. But, at the end of the day I just don't care for the stuff outside of the Kaiju content in this movie. The rest of it just kind of drags on for me. But, anyways if you like it good for I just think this one is pretty forgettable. Anyways, that's going to wrap it up for this movie for me. Let me know in the comments below what you thought of this movie and we can discuss it further. Once again thanks for reading and be sure to come back next time as we get to talking about one of my top 5 favorite Godzilla movies Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah! Thanks for reading everyone!

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