Terror of Mechagodzilla Discussion

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It took me awhile but we have finally reached the end of the Shōwa series. In today's chapter we will be discussing Terror of Mechagodzilla. This movie is significant because not only is this the final film in the original Godzilla series. But, it also marks the final Godzilla movie that was directed by the original Godzilla director Ishiro Honda and it even sees the return of Akira Ifukube to do the score for the film.

Plot: This movie takes place after the events of the last movie with some scientists searching for the remains of Mechagodzilla when they are attacked by another Kaiju known as Titanosaurus. (I'll get into what I think of Titanosaurus soon). But, anyways we soon find out that the Simians are controlling this monster with this girl named Katsura the daughter of some evil scientist named Dr. Mafune who is working with the Simians in order to exact his revenge on mankind. Eventually they rebuild Mechagodzilla and it's up to Godzilla to put an end to both monsters or the Simians win and well you get the point.

Now, while I still prefer the original Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla I think that this one has grown on me more and more over the years. I do have some gripes with it. For instance you kind of have to wait a really long time for Godzilla to show up. But, I will say this. Godzilla's first entrance in the movie is the best part of the movie. The way it's built up and the way he emerges like a badass to fight Titanosaurus is great.

Speaking of Titanosaurus I got to admit I'm not really the biggest fan of this thing. I don't particularly care for this design and also how annoying his roar is. Seriously they couldn't have picked a better roar then what we got!?

Other gripes I have are in regards to the Simians. Why do they have to wear these ridiculous helmets and why don't they turn back into space apes? That was pretty funny.

Also, in this one Godzilla has to take on both Mechagodzilla and Titanosaurus all by himself

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Also, in this one Godzilla has to take on both Mechagodzilla and Titanosaurus all by himself. Where the hell is King Caesar!? Someone should wake his lazy ass up! I don't get why they never even attempt to revive him to help Godzilla. It doesn't make any sense to me. Anyways, in the end Godzilla does battle with both of the monsters and spoiler alert. He wins. It's a pretty exciting battle. With lots of explosions and stuff. I also really like the ending of the movie as it just has Godzilla returning to the ocean thereby ending the Shōwa era of Godzilla movies.

Final thoughts. Terror of Mechagodzilla is a good way for the Shōwa series to go out on. I think that the direction is stronger in this movie but overall I still prefer the first Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla movie. The Simians are still my favorite alien villains and it's satisfying to see them get what's coming to them. It does drag a bit at points and while I'm not a fan of Titanosaurus I do enjoy seeing Godzilla kick the monsters ass. Overall, It's a good film for the Shōwa series to go out on and is worth checking out if your a Godzilla fan.

Now, with all that's said this brings us to the end of the Shōwa series. I love the Shōwa series as you can tell. Some days I'd consider it my favorite of all the Godzilla series and other days I'd choose the Heisei series (which is what we're getting into next time). Anyways, thank you all for reading this. If you want to discuss other aspects of this movie let me know in the comments below. Otherwise, I'll see you next time where we begin the 2nd series!

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