Godzilla Godzilla: Tokyo S.O.S. Discussion

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Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter in my Godzilla Discussion page. In this chapter we're going to be talking about Godzilla: Tokyo S.O.S.

(Great music as usual)
Plot: So with this one it's been a year since the last movie and Kiryu (Mechagodzilla) has been rebuilt to take on Godzilla who had been recovering from his wounds he received in the last movie. As far as lead characters go Akane from the last movie doesn't have as large a role this time around which is disappointing. Instead we have a new group of characters. Although there is an actor (Hiroshi Koizumi) who is reprising his role from the original Mothra. It's a nice touch and is a cool way to tie it in to the original Mothra.

Speaking of Mothra the twin fairies are upset at the fact that they took Godzilla's bones from the sea to build Kiryu

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Speaking of Mothra the twin fairies are upset at the fact that they took Godzilla's bones from the sea to build Kiryu. The fairies say that if they return the bones that Mothra will defend japan. But, if not then Mothra is going to be pissed and attack everyone.

Yeah it's weird

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Yeah it's weird. You'd figure Mothra would have tried helping them beforehand but I guess not. Anyways, after this the plot goes the way you'd expect. Although before we get into that i wanted to stop and comment on the fact that there's another monster in this movie that isn't Mothra, Godzilla or Kiryu and that's in fact the monster Kamoebas. A turtle looking Kaiju that first appeared in the Toho film Space Amoeba. What's disappointing about this scene is that we don't even get to see it fight Godzilla. I mean why even have this monster in there if you're not going to use it you know?

 I mean why even have this monster in there if you're not going to use it you know?

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Anyways, back to some important stuff. First of all Mothra shows up and as usual she dies in her butterfly form but she ends up having larvae hatch to fight Godzilla. We also have Kiryu back to fight Godzilla again and like in the last movie the soul of Godzilla causes it to once again reawaken and Kiryu latched on to Godzilla with some cables and it flies off into the ocean where they crash into the sea where they live happily ever after I guess.

After this scene the movie ends on a post credit scene where the government has some DNA of various Kaiju hinting that they may one day use that to create Kaiju of their own. Since the next movie ignores this movie in the continuity we will never know what they were planning to do with this plot line.

So that's Godzilla: Tokyo S.O.S. It's a good film in the millennium series and after thinking about it some more I think I like it more than the last movie but it's still very close. There's a bit more going on In this film. Plus you get more Godzilla action and it's a lot of fun. Although, I feel like the lead of the last movie (Akane) should have had more of a focus in this movie. She does get kind of shelved in this one and that's kind of a disappointment. Still, it's not enough to bring the movie down fo me completely. I think if you're a Godzilla fan then you should be able to find enjoyment in this one. Not to many complaints from me this time.

Anyways, that's going to wrap this one up for me. Let me know in the comments below what you thought of Godzilla: Tokyo S.O.S. Do you like it more or less than the previous movie? I always enjoy reading your comments. Once again thank you for reading this and have a nice day.

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