14. "playground"

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If happiness was a person, they'd stand at five foot two, always have a fresh manicure, and hate turkey.

Other than Christmas, Luna's birthday was typically her happy time. She never had any negative memories associated with the day, her family always sure to pamper her and smother her with love on the 17th of November every year. When she was younger, her birthday was the one day Victoria allowed her to stay home from school; she'd help bake her own cake and would get one free ride to a place of her choice. When she was a teen, Mia and Liz made sure she was that girl that walked around school with balloons and a gift bag, making sure everyone that walked past wished her a happy birthday. When she was in college, her theater club somehow managed to convince the dean to allow them to use the auditorium as the setting for a surprise party, Luna being lead in with her eyes covered. And last year, her castmates had a karaoke party with her, Disney songs only.

It's safe to say Luna Giraldo loved her birthday, and this year was no different. She was practically skipping into her mom's house after reading all the birthday messages her friends sent, spamming them with a variety of heart emojis to show her gratitude. This year she decided to spend her actual birthday with her family, and the following day would be spent with friends as she tasted alcohol for the first time legally.

Upon entering her mother's home, she was met with the scent of vanilla, the candle burning to her right to cover the scent of food most likely traveling around the house. She barely made it through the threshold before she was being embraced, a wet kiss placed on the side of her face. Luna let out a laugh when the scruff of her brother tickled the side of her cheek, making her push him away. "Happy birthday to my favorite sister," He sighed, his hand stroking her hair. "I remember when you used to leave scratches on me when I'd take the tv remote, and now you're leaving scratches on your handsome boyfriend. They grow up so fast."

Luna grimaced, pushing away her brother who let out a laugh. "You're gross," She shook her head, stepping into the house. She dropped her jacket on the couch as she entered the living room, her eyebrows shooting up at the sight of her mother, Diana and Elena stood in the center. "Hi," She mumbled, her gaze traveling to the gigantic box they stood in front of.

Victoria grinned, opening her arms to her daughter. "Happy birthday baby," She sighed, and Luna could just picture the woman squeezing her eyes shut to prevent tears. "You're 21, I shouldn't call you baby anymore."

Luna snickered at this, pulling away from her mom to reveal that she was right, the woman was fighting back tears. "Okay mami," She grinned, stepping out of the woman's arms and towards Diana.

Diana gave her a one armed hug, the other still holding Elena close to her. "You're my favorite sister too," She joked, kissing Luna's cheek while shooting a glare at Andrew.

Andrew shrugged, making Luna laugh. "So..." She trailed off, pointing a finger to the box they'd been ignoring. "What's in the box?"

"We got you a gift," Victoria grinned, patting the top of the box. "Open it now."

"Don't we usually open gifts after cake?" Luna questioned with a raised eyebrow, remembering all the times her mother would angrily wave a wooden spoon when they tried to open gifts early.

Victoria shook her head, stepping away from the box. "Just this time you can open it early."

Confused, Luna stepped towards the box. She glanced back at her family who was watching expectantly, even Elena was staring with her big brown eyes, waiting. With furrowed brows, she opened the box, revealing a box full of packing peanuts. "If you guys stuck a mug in this huge box, I'm leaving," Luna warned, narrowing her eyes at them.

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