"Now repeat after me: what time is it? Summer time!"
When Luna was 20 and put in charge of babysitting Elena, it was one of the scariest things she ever had to do. Diana was a crazy mother at the time, providing a list of demands for when she was tending to the baby. It was safe to say Luna was traumatized from the experience, but clearly not traumatized enough.
Their honeymoon was eventful to say the least. After wanting to go basically her entire life, and a lot of not so subtle hints from Jacob, the couple decided on Hawaii. It involved one too many pineapple jokes, and too much time in their hotel room. 9 months later, Kelsey was born. She was a complete accident, but aren't the best things in life unplanned?
One of Luna's fondest memories had to be the day Kelsey was born. Not the eight hours of labor, but the look of pure horror Tom wore when her water broke. There was numerous occasions Luna would step into the house and find Tom sitting in their living room with Rocket on his lap, a parenting book in his hand. With the amount of books he read, you'd think he would be prepared, but he freaked out more than Luna did. She was surprised he didn't pass out that day, but instead remained by her side, his sweaty palm holding onto her hand.
There was no doubt Kelsey was their daughter. Her dark curls framed her face, natural rosy cheeks complimenting the smile that was constantly resting on her lips. The one thing she got that neither had was the brightest hazel eyes, courtsey of Luna's dad's side of the family. They suit Kelsey though, the light eyes being a good contrast to her otherwise dark features.
Kelsey giggled, "Mommy, they can't hear you." She reached forward, resting her small hands on her mother's very large stomach.
Today was the day they would find out the gender, and though Tom wanted to be there, he wouldn't be able to make it in time. Usually she'd bring Mia or Liz to one of these appointments, but things have gotten busy lately, so now Kelsey was her moral support. With Liz recently publishing a book, she was far too busy planning a book tour to have enough free time to attend a doctor's appointment with Luna. Her and Zendaya were still going strong, having their group of friends sitting at the edge of their seats waiting to see who'd propose first.
Mia's been getting role after role, jetting from one side of the country to another every few months. Her and Harrison have been engaged for almost two years now, their wedding planned for that Fall. Luna could tell her best friend was excited to finally settle down with the man and start their lives together, she's been ready since Luna's wedding.
"Luna Holland." Luna's head shot up, and she smiled at the nurse. She quickly stood up, Kelsey immediately grabbing onto her hand as the nurse led them to their room. When they step into the room, Kelsey immediately lets go of Luna's hand and settles herself on the chair at the end of the bed.
After a while, the two left the room buzzing. Kelsey was asking tens and tens of questions, her eyes wide with curiosity. Luna tried to answer as many as she could, but each answer caused another question. She was saved when her phone began ringing, Kelsey cutting herself off, knowing she wasn't meant to talk when her mom was on the phone.
Luna took one look at the caller id and handed it to Kelsey, the little girl squinting at the name before grinning. Swiping, she excitedly answered the phone, "Hi daddy!" With one hand holding Luna's, and the other holding the phone, the two left the doctor's office. "I'm good, how are you?" Luna hummed a song under her breathe as she wordlessly picked up Kelsey, putting her in her carseat. Kelsey was completely unfazed, lifting her arms when necessary, all too excited to talk on the phone. "Yes, mommy is still pretty."
Luna cracked a smile at her words, sending her a pointed look. Kelsey grinned sheepishly, her smile faltering. "Wait lemme ask." She lowered the phone, whisper-shouting, "Can I tell daddy about the babies?" Luna shook her head, clicking her seatbelt in before shutting the door. "Sorry, mommy said no."
By the time Luna made it around to her side of the car, the phone was being held out to her. She gave Kelsey an odd look, but Kelsey just gestured to the phone. "Hello?"
"Lunch on me?"
Once when Liz was drunk, she told Luna and Tom that they looked like they stepped straight out of a magazine ad. For once, Luna could see why.
The scene that took place when Kelsey saw Tom looked like it was taken straight out, Kelsey running up to him and Tom picking her up and twirling her. If she wasn't cooing about how cute it was, she would have laughed at how staged it seemed. "My turn?" Luna teased once he stopped twirling her, Kelsey now clinging onto him like she hasn't seen him in months, instead of hours.
Tom snickered, greeting his wife with a kiss. "I missed you guys today," He sighed, leading them into the restaurant. "The meeting was so boring." He looked to Kelsey. "They needed you there Kels, you would have livened them up."
"Next time," Kelsey promised, holding up her pinky, Tom locking it with hers. "Mommy and the babies needed me this time."
Tom grinned, looking back at Luna. "The babies." He put Kelsey back down, both of his hands going to her stomach. "So tell me. How are they?"
"They're good, healthy," She shrugged nonchalantly. Tom narrowed his eyes at her, making her snicker. She rested her hand on top of his, Kelsey looking between the two in excitement, already knowing the results. "Well, Arden is actually an Aiden."
Tom's eyes widened. "Wait, so you mean-"
"Xavier and Aiden," Luna confirmed, grinning.
tomuna babies : kelsey, xavier and aiden

Every Moment ── TOM HOLLAND²
Fanfiction@lunagiraldo: I think I have a crush on Tom Holland lol ↳@tomholland1996: We've been dating for months, I'd be concerned if you didn't ( Poorly written and not edited, read at your own risk) )