It took a lot of convincing, and a bit of whining, but eventually Tom agreed to let Luna cover his eyes.
He was extremely resistant at first, and the light in his girlfriend's eyes didn't seem to ease his nerves at all. Though Luna put up a good argument, stating that it was their anniversary, and if she wanted to prank him she would have already done it. Realizing that this was most likely true, he allowed Luna to put the blindfold on him for the car ride.
Luna's phone was being bombarded with texts throughout their entire lunch, and she could tell Tom was getting suspicious each time she'd shield her phone to read it. It didn't help that the past few days were barely spent together, seeing as Luna needed to be away from Tom as much as possible to plan a surprise so big. She knew he wouldn't assume the worst, he knew her better than anyone else, but she couldn't blame him for being concerned with her sudden secrecy.
As they neared the place, and Tom's questioning started to die down, Luna could feel her own nervousness beginning to take over. There was always a sense of insecurity when it came to Tom, and that was if she was ever going to be able to do enough for him. He'd done so much for the girl in such a short time, and each time she tried to repay him she felt as if it didn't even come close to matching what he's done.
She snuck a glance over at the boy, a smile playing on her lips at the sight of him. She thought back to the first day they met and went on their lunch date. The smile never left her face that afternoon as she sat across from him, listening to him mumble pick up lines to himself in search for the perfect caption for the picture he took of her. She watched the way his lips curled up when he found the perfect one, and he read it aloud for her, her smile only widening.
"You have arrived at-" Luna quickly silenced her phone, her eyes widening in horror as it almost ruined her surprise. She giggled at the sight of Tom, his head moving as if he was looking around despite wearing a blindfold. "You can't take it off yet," She slapped his hand away as he raised it to the cloth.
His lips immediately pouted, and he reached out for where he thought her hand was. "Still?" He eventually found her hand, or more so, Luna's hand found his. "What is so big about this surprise?"
"You'll see," Luna grinned, dropping his hand and rushing to his side of the car. She was careful to lead the boy in the right direction, assuring he didn't crash into anything or trip as they walked slowly up the path. "Are you ready?"
"Yes, I'm ready," Tom sighed, cautiously taking steps forward while Luna led him. He could hear a door opening in front of him, only making him more confused. "Babe..." He trailed off, his forearm still being held by her.
Luna was silent as she gestured with her other hand for people to move, said people moving as quietly as they could. Though not everyone got the memo as Rocket ran towards his parents eagerly, immediately leaping onto Tom's leg, begging for attention.
Tom jumped slightly, turning his head in Luna's direction. "Is that Rocket?" Luna didn't respond, instead she just untied his blindfold.
Blinded by the sudden light, he wasn't given the chance to notice the large amount of people in front of him until "Surprise!" was shouted. Luna was stood back with a smile as shock overtook Tom's features, not at all expecting to see the large group.
They stood in the foyer of their new fully furnished house, both their families surrounding them. Tom turned to Luna in shock, who simply grinned. "Welcome to our house warming party," She gestured around them. "Our house is now fully furnished and inhabitable."
"You-I-Wow." Tom was barely able to stutter a sentence out as he stared at the girl in front of him. There was no word to explain what he was feeling at the moment. He knew furnishing the house with his help was already a lot of work, but she did it all on her own for the sake of this surprise. Not only that, but she flew out their families so they could all celebrate together. It was by far one of the nicest things a person has ever done for him, and if there wasn't such a large group watching them including their parents, he would have kissed her right then and there.
"Well, you gonna give me a hug or what?" Luna snapped him out of his daze, her arms held out. Tom's lips curled up into a smile, and he didn't hesitate to scoop the girl into his arms, hugging her tightly.
"This house is beautiful," Victoria sighed, admiring the kitchen as she sat in a stool while Luna cut strawberries. "I can't believe my little baby is moving to the other side of the country into such a beautiful house."
"Mom," Luna whined, "please don't make me cry over these strawberries."
"Okay, okay." Victoria continued to look around the kitchen until her eyes landed on a picture hanging beside the doorway. It was of their group of friends the day after Luna's birthday celebration.
You could see the mess of board game pieces on the table and little bits of popcorn on the floor, but the main focus was the looks of pure happiness all the teens wore. Luna set up her phone with a timer, propping it up against her tv before getting back into position. She had to rush back to her spot, accidentally landing on top of Tom, who let out a high pitched yell in response. This brought laughter among the entire group, except Luna who was mumbling an apology while Tom was whining. The picture was taken at that exact moment, and while they took another proper one after that, Luna found herself more attached to the outtake than the actual photo.
"You have a good group of friends," Victoria thought aloud, her eyes never leaving the photo.
Luna followed her gaze to the photo, her lips twitching up. "I do," She agreed with a nod. "I don't know where I'd be without them."
"You'd be single and boring." Luna rolled her eyes as arms wrapped around her waist, Tom's head resting on her shoulder.
"I always say fate would have gotten us together somehow," Luna mumbled bitterly, as she continued cutting up strawberry.
Victoria smiled at the sight of them, the two reminding her of her past romance. "So when am I getting grandkids?" It was a joke, but Luna knew her mother well enough to know there was an ounce of seriousness in there.
"After I get married," Luna scoffed, putting down the knife before leaning into Tom.
Victoria's eyebrows shot up, and she looked to Tom. "Hurry that up, I'm not getting any younger."

Every Moment ── TOM HOLLAND²
Fanfiction@lunagiraldo: I think I have a crush on Tom Holland lol ↳@tomholland1996: We've been dating for months, I'd be concerned if you didn't ( Poorly written and not edited, read at your own risk) )