"I think it's heart to heart time!"
Luna was recovering from her cold, now finding the energy to actually leave her bed. It's been a couple days since they flew out to California, and everybody just seemed to be so busy everyday. Mia and Liz found their apartment, and Luna and Tom found their house, but now came the furnishing part. Wether it was a couple hours in a furniture store, or a couple hours hunched in front of a computer looking at the website of a furniture store, or calling said furniture store to argue about when things got delivered, everybody seemed to be busy.
For the first time in a few days, nobody was busy. Thus, a movie night was organized.
Luna sat with her knees to her chest, an oversized sweater going over her legs. She was looking between her friends with a smile, while they shot her skeptical looks. "C'mon, you're telling me you don't have anything you wanna share? Mia? Liz?"
It was silent for a few seconds as both girls hesitated before Liz sighed. Luna perked up at this, prepared to offer her best advice for whatever Liz presented them with. "It's me and Daya." Luna's eyes widened in horror. "No, it's nothing bad. Just something that's sorta bothering me."
Luna relaxed, nodding. Liz was focused on her fingers, a sign she was nervous. "I don't mind keeping our relationship so secret, I appreciate privacy just as she does. But.... I just feel like a burden at times." Liz looked away from her fingers, defeat clear in her eyes. "She isn't out to her parents, and I know how hard coming out is, I don't want to rush her at all. But I know she feels bad having to introduce me as her best friend instead of her girlfriend. I feel like dating me is an extra weight on her shoulders."
The two girls weren't sure what they expected Liz to say, but it wasn't that. Liz was always the more collected one of three, always seeming to find a positive in a list of negatives. She was never a complainer, and she hated conflict with all her being. That being said, if something was bothering her, then it was serious. It wasn't something she'd think about for a few hours then get over it, if it was bothering her, she's been thinking about it nonstop for days.
Mia looked to Luna hopelessly, unsure of how she could help without having an experience in that department. "Has she talked to you about coming out?" Luna asked quietly, lowering her legs to lean forward.
Liz hesitated before nodding, "She has, but I never know what to tell her. She'll ask me if I think she should, and I'll say it's up to her. Because if she does come out, then regrets it, that's on me. Coming out is the sort of thing you have to decide to do on your own, you get it, right?" Luna immediately nodded. "I just don't want her to feel stressed because of me."
Liz sighed, looking away from the girls. "It's why I've been holding off on saying it."
Mia and Luna shared a look. "Saying it?" Mia repeated.
Liz immediately glared at her, "You know what I mean." The two girls stared at her blankly, making her huff. "We haven't said I love you yet. It's been like five months, and I've been wanting to say it, but I feel like that's just more pressure for her."
Luna could feel her heart clench in her chest, and her and Mia shared a look before seating themselves on either side of Liz. The two girls hugged their friend, a silent way of saying we're here and we support you.
"You have to talk to her about it," Luna mumbled, her eyes closed as she still held onto Liz. "Daya is the most understanding person I know, and you know that. Sit her down and tell her you love her, and if she wants to come out, then you'll support it, but if she wants to wait, you'll still support her. Words go a long way you know."
A sniffle made Luna lift her head, her and Liz turning to Mia who was tearing up. "Luna is such a wise owl," Mia sniffled, a smile on her face despite the tears in her eyes. "I don't even know why I'm crying, I think I just love us that much."
Harrison and Tom walked in a minute later, sharing a confused look as they found a group hug on the floor, consisting of three happy crying girls.
luna, liz, and mia are my ultimate brotp idk a harrison and tom

Every Moment ── TOM HOLLAND²
Fanfiction@lunagiraldo: I think I have a crush on Tom Holland lol ↳@tomholland1996: We've been dating for months, I'd be concerned if you didn't ( Poorly written and not edited, read at your own risk) )