harry [brother from another mother]
luna [sister from another mister]sister from another mister
hello harold my dudebrother from another mother
that is possibly the WORST text
i have ever gotten from you
and you've drunk texted mesister from another mister
I have come to ask a favorbrother from another mother
okay....sister from another mister
I'm gonna need you to come
here like nowbrother from another mother
aren't you guys in cali?
fixing your house????sister from another mister
our 6 months is soon and this
is all part of the plan
trust mebrother from another mother
tell me more||
"Orange is ugly."
"It is not!"
"It definitely is."
As their anniversary came closer and closer, Luna and Tom were spending more and more time in their new home. Some of the furniture was delivered, but not nearly enough for them to completely move in. The two were both eager to finally live together, which is why they enlisted the help of their friends. The group of nine reunited in their home, just to be split between boys and girls.
Luna sighed as she listed to the four girls argue about wether or not the color orange was even an option in furnishing a guest room. She quietly left the kitchen, leaving the girls and their tens of furniture magazines behind. She peaked into the living room, her lips curling up into a smile.
Two of the three couches got delivered earlier that day, the two of them being inhabited by the sleeping bodies of Tony, Harrison and Jacob. Her gaze dropped to the floor, her smile widening at the sight of Tom and Rocket napping comfortably on the carpet.
As she looked at her napping friends, she couldn't help but think if this was what her future held for her. And if it was, then she couldn't be more excited for the future.
Where she stood right now was what she dreamt of a couple years back. Buying her own home, with money she made from her successful career, and sharing it with a person she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.
Luna a couple years back was anything but happy.
Luna stared at the woman in front of her with a frown, unable to comprehend all the words that were being thrown at her. She tried to respond multiple times, but she never let her speak. Her hands move wildly, her eyes wide with rage as she shouted insult after insult. "You don't pay attention to me!" "All you care about is your stupid plays!" "And your friends are all girls, how am I supposed to trust you?"
Luna wanted to explain herself, even though an explanation wasn't due, but she felt like she had to. She was being handed the blame, meaning she had to be the one to apologize, right? "I'm sorry," Luna cut off her girlfriend, her hands tucked beneath her thighs to conceal that they were shaking. "I'm just- I'm sorry."
The girl's face fell. "You're apologizing?" Luna hesitantly nodded, making the girl shake her head. "Well, it's too late for that. Find another girlfriend Luna Giraldo, because I am done with you." With that, she left Luna's room.
Luna wasn't sure how to react. She felt numb. She was yelled at for not paying attention to her, when in reality any free time she was given was spent on her girlfriend. She was yelled at her for caring about her plays, even though the two knew Luna was only trying to pursue her dream of acting. She was yelled at for having friends that are girls, but those were the people who got her through everything. She was blamed for everything, and apologized for it, and still it didn't matter.
Luna dragged herself over to her mirror, sitting on the floor in front of it. Staring at her own reflection, a thought made it's way into her head. Maybe she was meant to be alone.
She didn't know how long she was stood there staring into her half-furnished living room, but it must have been a while since now Rocket was awake and begging for attention. She didn't hesitate to reach down and pick up the puppy, immediately being given a kiss by him. She grinned as he licked her, pulling him away slightly. "I love you Rocket," She sighed, the puppy's wagging tail moving faster.
She put him back down, the puppy trailing after her as she went back into the kitchen. The four girls looked up when she stepped in, Mia grinning. "We decided on yellow," She informed Luna as she pushed over to the magazine where some furniture was circled. Luna nodded, looking over the circled choices.
Her phone buzzed from beside her, and she quickly grabbed it before any of the other girls got a chance.
admiring me while I sleep
is a new one for you 🙃moonie😍
i hate youtommy😇
nope you love me

Every Moment ── TOM HOLLAND²
Fanfiction@lunagiraldo: I think I have a crush on Tom Holland lol ↳@tomholland1996: We've been dating for months, I'd be concerned if you didn't ( Poorly written and not edited, read at your own risk) )