It was too cold outside. Too cold for the girl to even attempt to look cute, especially with the nasty cold she acquired. She just wanted to be lying in her bed, Rocket curled up beside her, but she didn't exactly mind being curled up on a plane either. She was sitting between Liz and Mia, switching between shoulders to lean on. Every once in a while, she'd sit up and sneeze aggressively, earning a sound of disgust from each girl.
It was early February, meaning it was cold season. It was that one day that Luna decided to take the subway to her old home instead of driving that screwed her over, leaving her with no sleep since she kept coughing.
"I feel shitty," Luna mumbled, leaning forward to check on Rocket. The puppy was already sound asleep, leaving her disappointed, and light-headed from leaning over. "Did you bring pills?" For the past few days she's been sick, Liz and Mia have been sharing the role of the mom friend. While one was checking her temperature, the other was preparing her a cup of tea. While one was fluffing her pillows, the other was swapping out her socks for a pair of fluffy ones. It was a change from their usual role, but Luna couldn't have been more grateful.
The only times during the few days she seemed to have energy was when Tom called, which didn't surprise any of them. Each time he'd say "you look like you're getting better!" when in reality, as soon as he hung up, she was right back to her painful coughs and whining.
Mia sighed, digging into her bookbag. "I brought some," She muttered, handing the small packet to Luna, along with a water bottle.
Luna smiled slightly at the girl, before swallowing the pills. "I love you mom and mom," She sighed, leaning her head on Liz's shoulder as her eyes began closing. "Thanks for taking care," she sneezed, "of me."
Luna slept for the remainder of their flight, giving Liz and Mia a break, even though both would turn cautiously whenever Luna coughed in her sleep. Eventually, the three girls and Rocket found themselves in a rented car, Luna lying across the backseat, Rocket on top of her.
Liz snickered at the sight of her, looking over to Mia. "You know as soon as she sees Tom, she's gonna be wide awake." Just as promised, Tom and Luna planned to start house searching as soon as he finished filming. The five friends decided to rent a house for their stay, splitting the cost somewhat equally. Harrison would be accompanying Liz and Mia on their search for apartments, while Tom and Luna skipped right to houses, Zendaya joining them.
Luna fell asleep as soon as she got in the car, only waking up when the car door was opened, but still not bothering to open her eyes. "She's still really sick?" She cracked an eye open at the voice, lifting her head slightly to see the two boys stood a few feet away from the car, surrounded by the luggage. Rocket was being cradled by Harrison at this point, Rocket licking him relentlessly while Harrison was trying to listen to Mia and Liz talk.
"She's been dying, but-" Liz stopped short when Luna got out of the car, rubbing her eyes awake. Tom smiled slightly at the sight of his sleepy girlfriend, her hair framing her face messily, and his hoodie hanging off her body. She looked so adorable and child-like, it made him want to aw.
Luna pouted slightly as her friends just stared at her, holding out her arms. "Well hug me then," She mumbled, Tom's smile widening as he stepped closer, allowing Luna to latch onto him. It wasn't long until she jumped, completely clinging onto him, her head lying on his shoulder. "I'm still really sleepy, but I missed you," She sighed.
Mia grabbed onto Liz, sighing dramatically loud. "They're so cute," She leaned her head on Liz's shoulder. "I can't wait to be the maid of honor at their wedding."
Liz shoved her off, glaring, "I'm the maid of honor."
"Ding dong, you're wrong."
"You can barely plan your own birthday parties, let alone our best friend's bachelorette, so step back and accept that I'm the maid of honor."
"I have a good nine years of friendship on you, therefore I beat you."
Mia and Liz continued to go back and fourth, listing off reasons as to why they're the better contender. Harrison looked over to Luna, who was watching the two in amusement. "Didn't you say Diana's your maid of honor?" He questioned, his question barely heard over Mia listing memories her and Luna shared that Luna hasn't shared with Liz.
"She is," Luna snickered, lowering her head onto Tom's shoulder again. "Don't tell them that though."

Every Moment ── TOM HOLLAND²
Fanfiction@lunagiraldo: I think I have a crush on Tom Holland lol ↳@tomholland1996: We've been dating for months, I'd be concerned if you didn't ( Poorly written and not edited, read at your own risk) )