When you see a couple "in love" on your television, or read about them in your book, they've all got a different reaction. They're described as ditzy, oblivious to the world around them if it didn't involve one another. Their hearts race at the sight of one another, and they wear matching grins that don't even come close to representing the happiness they both feel. If it were a cartoon, their eyes morph into hearts, or they begin floating with a dazed expression on their face. Cupid would be filled with glee at the sight of them.
That's how he felt right now.
Luna coughed, breaking Harrison's loving gaze that was focused on her puppy. She wore an odd expression, having seen Harrison staring at her dog intensely for at least 20 seconds. "Mia would not approve of you seducing my dog," She shook her head, patting the couch cushion beside her, prompting Rocket to leap off of Harrison and sit beside her. "He's only a baby."
Harrison frowned, his stomach already going cold now that Rocket was not lying on it. "Why'd you make him move?"
Luna rolled her eyes, reaching for the tv remote. "You need a girlfriend again," She mumbled, and Harrison pursed his lips. "No, I'm not suggesting you go out and find a date. I think it's fairly obvious who the number one contender for Harrison's heart is."
"Not a contender if there's no other competition," Tom added as he strolled into the room, fresh out of the shower and looking good. Luna grinned at the sight of him, raising both arms and wiggling her fingers, eager to have him beside her again.
Harrison scoffed, sitting up as Tom planted himself beside Luna, the girl immediately curling into him. "No fair, you two have each other to cuddle, the least you could do is leave me Rocket."
Luna narrowed her eyes at him, picking up said dog and hugging him. "He's our child, he deserves to be cuddled by his mom and dad, not his creepy uncle." In typical Luna and Harrison fashion, Harrison stuck his tongue out at Luna, which she quickly mimicked, slightly more aggressively.
"Babe," Tom muttered, poking at her hip. Luna looked back to him, Tom giving her a look that basically said give it up. Luna huffed, kissing Rocket's head before putting him on the floor, allowing Harrison to call him over.
The three friends, and Rocket, remained silent as they watched tv; Rick and Morty, upon request of Luna. As the credits for the third consecutive episode rolled in, Luna turned to Tom. "What did you say to my dad anyways?" She mumbled quietly, unsure of wether or not he told Harrison.
Tom sat up straighter, one hand wrapped around the girl while the other rested on her thigh. "Well, we both wanted to move to LA right?" The conversation has come up multiple times between the two, seeing as living out there seemed much more beneficial for the two actors.
Luna's lips quirked up. "So you thinking apartment, or do we skip right to house?"
Tom shrugged, a smile tugging at his lips. "Maybe apartment, just in case you get sick of me."
Luna rolled her eyes. "I won't get sick of you; don't forget we're engaged to be engaged." The two immediately grinned at one another, and Tom didn't hesitate to lean down and connect his lips to the girl's. It seemed the two forgot about Harrison's presence, and thankfully, he didn't notice his two friends liplocking for at least 30 seconds.
He immediately cringed at the sight of them, and didn't hesitate to launch one of Rocket's squeaky toys at them. Luna pulled back with a glare, throwing the toy right back at him. "Hey, this is my house you duck. I shall kiss whom I want, where I want, when I want." Tom pouted at her words, and Luna quickly added, "And that person is only Tom."

Every Moment ── TOM HOLLAND²
Fanfiction@lunagiraldo: I think I have a crush on Tom Holland lol ↳@tomholland1996: We've been dating for months, I'd be concerned if you didn't ( Poorly written and not edited, read at your own risk) )