Suicide//Anthony Trujillo

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I had been so sick and tired of all these comments.
She's so ugly
She should die
You don't deserve Anthony
You're just using Tony for the views

I couldn't stop thinking about them. That's what caused me to stop eating, and if I did eat, I'd just throw it up. I didn't really want to talk to team 10 but Tony. I would just stay in my room all day and would barely come out.

Anthony POV
I've been so worried about y/n. She hasn't come out of her room at all. She wouldn't eat at all. I keep trying to get her to do those things but she just wouldn't.
One day I went upstairs to her room, but what I saw just broke my heart. "Baby, baby, wake up please. She had slit her wrists. "JAKE CALL AN AMBULANCE" said Tony. "What happened?!!" When Jake saw that y/n was just laying there with her wrists cut, he did what Tony said. "The ambulance won't arrive till an hour later, we have to bring her to the hospital now!" Jake said. Jake and I took the tesla to the hospital. Everyone else took ubers there. They were all so worried.

I woke up to find myself in the hospital. I see all of team 10 sitting down crying hoping for me to wake up. Tony was beside me. "Guys she's waking up!" I look around very confused. "What happened?" I said. Erika and Tessa told me everything. Tony just glared at me. "Can we talk in private guys?" Everyone else left the room. "Why did you do that?" Tony said. I didn't respond, I just looked away. "Baby, please tell me. I want to know so I can help you." I started crying. "The hate comments just got to me. It's to much Tony." I just cried. Tony hugged me.

1 week later..
Today was the day I finally get released from the hospital. I was excited to see everyone there. I missed them so much. They would visit me but it's not the same. Tony had helped me get in the car. "Are you excited babe?" He asked. "Yea, I haven't got to hang out with them for a while." I responded. After 30 minutes we were there. They greeted me there and all looked so happy.

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