Daddy Nathan//Nathan Speiser

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I looked down at the pregnancy test. I was in complete shock. I was only 17 yet I was pregnant with Nathan Speiser's baby. We've only been dating for 3 months, yet the condom must've broke.

"Daizon! Are you okay?" I hear my best friend Christian say. He's not part of Team 10, but I really hope he can be.

"Please come out..we're really worried." My cousin Anthony then says. With that I wipe my tears and come out of the bathroom.

"Hey, what's wrong? You look like you've been crying?" Christian says hugging me tightly. I then accidentally drop the test. Anthony sees it and picks it up?

"You- your pregnant?" he says in shock. I slowly nod my head in shame. "And is Nathan the father?" I nod my head again. He just sighs in disappointment.

"What am I going to say to your parents?" He says. "It's okay, i'll handle it." I say. "I guess it's time I tell Nathan. They both sigh, and I get my keys and start heading for Kade's apartment.

*Now at Kade's apartment*

I finally arrived. I knock on the door, and it opened to see a shocked face Kade.

"Hey Kade, is Nathan here?" I ask.

"N-No h-he's n-not." He says. He lied. I knew when most of the members lied, because they do certain actions. Kade stutters when he does.

"Your lying." I say. "I need to tell him something important." I then tell him.

"H-he's at his dentist appointment." He then lies again. I didn't like how he was wasting my time, so I just went inside. I then start heading to Nathan's room.

"Um Daizon you don't to want to go in there.." Kade says as he follows me. I was finally in front of his room. I open his door..but I see something I wished I never did.

Him fucking Chance's new hoe.

"WHAT THE HELL!" I yell, causing them to stop. Alex just covers herself. I never liked her. I've always think that she's just using Chance for fame and money. Now I see her on top of my boyfriend. Wait, my now ex-boyfriend.

"Daizon it's not what it looks like!" Nathan says.

"Well it obviously looks like you two were fucking to me! How could you Nathan! I never want MY unborn child and I to see you again!" I say leaving the whole entire room shocked. Before anyone said anything, I left.

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