Wha?//Ivan Martinez

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Today was a quiet day. And strange. Especially between Ivan and I. 3 weeks ago, Ivan and I, let's just say got freaky. We were both drunk and we didn't know what we were doing.

"Hey guys!" I say as I walk to the kitchen. I suddenly felt like throwing up. I then run towards the sink.

"He- omg" Jake says but I was throwing up in the sink already. He was holding my hair as I was throwing up. Jake had been my best friend on the team since day 1.

"Are you okay??" Chad asks as he just got to the house.

"Well um.. I feel like throwing up multiple times, my back aches, and my boobs are sore." I say. I then catch Tessa and Erika rolling their eyes in the corner. Tessa and Erika has despised me ever since I joined team 10.

"Oh wow..um y/n this might not be appropriate to ask but have you gotten your period this week or last week?" Chad then asks. That's when the thought popped in my head. I was late.

"I'll be right back" I say grabbing my keys and heading to my car. Once I get in my car, I head to the pharmacy.

Once I get to the pharmacy, I quickly go to the isle where pads, tampons, and pregnancy tests would be. I then quickly get a test, and walk up to the cashier. As she was ringing it up, I noticed she was shaking her head a bit. I could agree to that. I'm only 17 and buying a pregnancy test. Once she was done, I quickly leave and go back to the team 10 house. I then quickly go to my room and take it.

It's been 5 minutes and I was finally ready to see the results.


Positive it read

I sat there crying in the bathroom until I hear a soft knock.

"Who is it" I say trying not to cry loudly.

"Ivan.." he says. I couldn't help but cry.

"Y/N are you okay!" He asks as he sat next to me. I then noticed he saw the test.

"Your..pregnant?" He asks with his eyes wide open. I simply nod my head.

"It's okay. I'll be here for you." He says kissing my forehead.

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