he doesn't like you back//Anthony Trujillo

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Today I was going to go to a dance with Tessa and Chanthony. Tessa really wanted all of us to go since everyone else had other things to do. I started getting dressed into something casual but cute. I then walk downstairs to see everyone waiting for me.

"Ready?" Tessa asks.

"Yup!" I say grabbing a water bottle. We all head outside to Tessa's car. The place was only 20 minutes away. We decided to play some music and have a mini karaoke session for Tessa's vlog. We then finally arrived to the place.

"Okay since there are pairs, it's going to be Chance and I and you two." Tessa says smirking a little at me. I had a huge crush on Tony but he didn't know it. Only Tessa and Erika.

We then start to walk in a pit our bags down. We were dancing for a while until a slow dance came on. Tony and I were dancing and I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Tony can I tell you something." I say.

"Sure what is it?" He says smiling. God the dimples.

"I like you. A lot, for a while now." I say looking away.

"Y/n I'm sorry but I don't like you back..you're not really my type." He says. I was shocked. I tried holding my tears back as hard as I could. Until a tear manages to escape.

"Oh okay. I guess I'll go now." I say.

"Wait y/n." Tony says.

"It's okay, I'll get an uber." I say. I walk outside and order an uber. The uber then arrives and I tell him the address to the Team 10 house and pay the uber driver. I get in, grab another water bottle and start heading up to the stairs hoping no one would ask why i came back all alone.

"Hey y/n, where's everybody else?" Nick asks me.

"They're still there..I just came back earlier cause I was feeling sick." I lied.

"Oh okay. I hope you feel better" nick says smiling.

"Thanks" I say. Walking fast to my room. Once I got in I decided to fall asleep at 3 in the afternoon. I was sleeping peacefully until I was woken up.

"Hey y/n I got you some mangoes since you left early. Is anything wrong?" Tessa says giving me the plate of mangoes.

"Nothing's wrong" I say fake smiling.

"Something's wrong y/n. I can tell. Your eyes twitch a little when you lie" Tessa tells me. I didn't know my eyes twitch when I lie.

"Ugh." I say. Tears then start falling.

"Y/n what's wrong" Tessa asks comforting me now.

"He doesn't like me back" I say crying on Tessa's shoulder.

"Who? Tony?" She asks.

"Who else" I say crying.

"It's going to be okay y/n. If he doesn't love you, it's his loss." Tessa says. "By the way, you probably don't want to go out there. Tony has a girl with him." Tessa then says.

"It's okay.." I say.

"You wanna go out for some fro-yo?" Tessa then asks.

"Yea, let me just get ready." I say as she nods her head. She then goes out and waits for me. I grab the same clothes as earlier and put it on.

"Ready?" Tessa asks.

"Yup" I say.

"Hey guys where are you off to?" Jake asks.

"Fro-yo" Tessa says.

"K cool" Jake says then walking away and continuing to vlog. Before I go outside, I catch a glimpse of Tony. He looked guilty.

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