Request~Anthony Trujillo

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Imagine for
Sorry it took a while, anyways hope you like it!

Daniela's POV
Tonight, all of Team 10 we're going to a Halloween party. I was so excited. I've been so busy with stuff that I didn't have time to have some fun. I was going to dress up in a unicorn onesie so I set out my spiritual animal (hope you didn't mind me choosing your costume :)) and to get super comfortable.

"Hey Daniela" I then hear Ivan say. He was my best friend on the team.

"Hey Ivan" i say back.

"What are you going to wear at the Halloween party?" he then asks.

"I'm going to wear my unicorn onesie, how about you?"

"i think i'm going to dress up as a vampire" he says making a face causing me to start laughing.

"omg, anyways, where's everyone else?" i ask noticing that it was only us 2 in the house.

"They went to the mall to get their costumes" he says. I then get something to eat and just go on my phone and look through all my social medias.

*5 hours later*

"Hey babe" Anthony says. I found it funny since he was dressed up as a hamburger.

"hey i like your costume." i say while laughing. He was dressed as a hamburger.

"You can eat on it all you want" He says making me laugh even more.

"ANTHONY!" I say while slapping him lightly.


"COMING!" We both say heading down.

"Ready?" Erika asks. I nod my head and we start heading to the car. The whole ride, everyone was just talking about how excited they were since they all haven't been to party in a while because of how busy they were. I couldn't blame them.

-at party-

We finally arrived. It felt so good to get out the car and stretch. It was a 2 hour long drive just to get to some haunted house.

"Daniela you excited?" Ivan then asks.

"Yea" I say. We then go and talk with our other YouTube friends. Amanda, Lele, Mark, Grayson and Ethan, and more were there. My throat was getting dry, so I decided to get a water bottle. I didn't feel like getting drunk.

I was just walking back when I saw something that broke my heart instantly...

....Anthony and Erika kissing.

At this point, i didn't feel good. I wanted to go home.

"Hey Jake, I'm just going to head home early. I'm getting a little nauseous." I fell Jake. He simply nods his head back, I then go outside and wait for my uber.

-at house-

I finally got back. I wanted to cry. I quickly went up to my room and bawled out. I eventually cried myself to sleep.

-hours later-

I woke up to the sound of feet moving. Everyone was back and I knew they were going to go check on me. I hear a knock on my door.

"Daniela?" I hear. It was Ivan.

"Come in" I say calmly.

"Are you okay? You left fairly early" he asks. I always loved how caring he was.

"Um..well I wasn't sick.."

"So why did you leave?" He asks. I couldn't lie to him.

"I saw Anthony and Erika..."


"Kissing.." I say. Atleast I told someone.

"Daniela you need to talk to him. You never know, he could've been forced." He says.

"But..Erika and Jake are like,, a thing. Why would she kiss Anthony?" I ask. I was confused.

"I don't know, she could've been drunk you know." He says.

"You're right.. I guess I'll talk to him now." I say. Ivan and I exit my room and head down to the ratchets room.

"Hey.." I say as I walk in to see them playing a game.

"Um..Anthony can we talk please?" I ask looking down.

"Yea," He says. We then go to my room to talk. I close the door and lock it as soon as we both were inside.

"Are you okay?" He says checking my forehead.

" I just wanted to talk." I say.

"Sure, what about?" He says. I had to tell him now.

"Um..well..I saw you and Erika at the bar..kissing." I say looking away trying not to cry.

"Was it on purpose? Do you not love me anymore? Is she better than me?" I say. Many more things were running through my mind.

" didn't mean anything. I was just there when she came up to me. She was drunk and then she suddenly kissed me!" He says. "I love you. And I always will." He says giving me a tight hug not letting go.

"I love you" I say back as he kisses my forehead

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