I like him//Tristan Tales

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Everyone on the team was like my family. I had my eyes on one particular person though. Tristan Tales. The thing is, ever since I joined the team, it seems like he hates me. I don't know what I did wrong. Tonight, we were all going to the Cheesecake Factory since we haven't hanged out since we were all busy for a while.

"Hey y/n" Erika says as she got a cup of water. I was just sitting down editing my video.

"Hey" I said back as I was just finishing up.

"Excited for tonight?" Erika asks smirking. I was so confused. Nothing else was happening tonight besides everyone going to dinner.

"What's tonight besides going to the Cheesecake Factory?" I say giving an utterly confused face.

"Oh...you'll see" she says smirking then walking to Jake.

It was now 4:00. I decided to get ready since we leave at 5. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, then changed. This is what I wore.

 This is what I wore

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all simple. It was now 4:45. I decided to go downstairs to wait for everyone else. Just out of my luck, Tristan was there.

"Hey Tristan" I say nicely getting a drink of water. I then see him roll his eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry for being nice" I say as I sit on the couch and put my earphones in. I fell asleep as I was listening to music. I was awoken by Erika shaking me.

"Y/n come on, we have to go now" Erika says. I get up and go to the car. The drive was 45 minutes long. But because there was traffic, it was an hour long.

"And we're finally here!" Jake says to his camera. We walk inside and get seated right away. Just then I see my ex, Jayden, come and sit down. No one on the team knows we broke up.

"Hey guys I'm here, sorry I'm late" he says. Everyone was looking at me smiling. Well except for Tristan.

"Why is he here." I whisper yell in Erika's ear.

"We invited him, is something wrong? Aren't you two dating?!" She says back.

"We broke up!" I whisper. I go on my phone and see that it's 6:45.

"Hey Y/N, how are you" Jayden says smiling. I rolled my eyes.

"Great how about you" I say clearly annoyed. All eyes were on us.

"God so rude" I hear Tristan say to himself. I was done for the night.

"Hey guys. I'm going home now. I feel sick." I say as I get up and leave. I get an uber and go home.

~back at the team 10 house~

I go up to my room and change into my pajamas. I then brushed my teeth.
Ugh what a day I thought to myself. Just then I hear a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I say annoyed.

"Tristan" he says.

"Come in" I say as I sit up.

"Why are you here don't you hate me?" I say rolling my eyes.

"Look. I don't hate you. It's just that, I like you. I liked you ever since you joined the team. It was hard since you and Jayden were dating."

"We aren't dating anymore. We broke up"

"I know. Erika told me." He says.


He then kisses me. I kissed him back.

"Would you be my girlfriend?" He asks.

"Yes" and just like that.

Such a cringey ending. Lol. I couldn't think of a better ending😆.

Not proofread

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