Forgiveness//Jake Paul

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A/N this is my very first story here on Wattpad, it may be short but it will get better I promise. lol
Jake and I have been dating for a year now, but things just have seemed to changed. He would hit me now, be always drunk, and would bring girls over. But one day I just had to leave.
One day Jake had came home but was drunk. I tried helping him, but he would just not cooperate. That's when he started hitting me all crazy. He started calling me things like "slut" "fatass" or say things like "you deserve to die" or "go to hell"
I ran to my room and started crying. I knew I had to leave. I got my bag and started packing my things up. I went downstairs and the whole team 10 was there. "Y/N where are you going, please don't leave us" Tessa said. I just ignored her and left. I got in my car and drove down the street. All i did was just cry.

Jake's POV
I can't remember a thing that happened. I just sat there. I went downstairs and I see the whole team 10 waiting for me at the kitchen. They all stared at me. "Jake, Y/N left" Chance said. "You got to stop getting drunk!" Erika said with an angry face. "She left because of you!" I started tearing up. I ran to my car, trying to find her.

I was just in my car. Crying. It was 2am now, I started to drive to y/f/n house. But before i knew I was there, I was in the hospital.

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