Groupchat #3

481 9 0

Kade: hey Guys, where are all of you?

Y/n: Ohio

Anthony: same



Kade: wait how many of u are in Ohio?

Jake: Chance and I are also there

Kade: so just 6?

Chance: yea

Emilio: why are you all in Ohio?

Y/n: it's my brother's wedding and Anthony's my date.

Anthony: what she said

Chance: visiting my family

Tessa: ^ meeting his family

Jake: also visiting my family

Erika: meeting Jake's fam

Ivan: oh wow

Ray: so what are you guys doing now?

Y/n: sitting in the church

Anthony: ^^

Tessa: I'm lost

Chance: how are you lost

Tessa: I'm not from Ohio, I live in California.

Chance: I'm not from California and I don't get lost there.


Erika: getting some fro-yo

Jake: ^ with her

Max: oh wow

Y/n: gtg now

~~~Y/N left the group~~~

Erika: y does she always do that😂😂😂

Jake: No clue😂

Erika: oh Tessa I see you!

Jake: chance I see u

Jake: wait that mean I lost Erika

Jake: oh fuck it


Tessa: Tony u need to propose to y/n alreadyyyy

Anthony: we aren't even dating

Jake: just have a fake marriage like us

Erika: um OUCH😐

Jake: sorry babe..

Alex: you guys would be soooo cute

Nick: I know this is very rare of me to say but

Nick: #y/s/n (your ship name with Tony)

AJ: yesss

Megan: come on tonerrrrr do it alreadyyyy

Chance: be a mannnn

Anthony: I am one😂

Chad: then do itttttt

Kade: do it tonyyyy

Kade: I might be one step closer to an uncle then!😂😂😏

Anthony: fine fine I will😂

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