Babysitting//Anthony Trujillo

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I was currently hanging out with my best friend Erika when we heard the front door open. We look over and see that our friends Kyler and Madison had brought Taytum and Oakley.
"Omg hi!" I say giving each Kyler and Madison a hug, then cooing over the babies. I then pick up Taytum as Erika picks up Oakley.
"So what's up?" Erika had asked.
"Well, is it okay if you guys can babysit the babies for us from 3-5?" Kyler asks.
"Crap, I can't, I have to meet up with Tessa at the grove." Erika then says.
"Y/N?" Madison asks.
"Course, anytime!" I say joyfully. I'd love to babysit these angels.
"Omg thanks so much!" Madison then says happily.
"No problem! These babies are just too cute!" I say as I hug Taytum tightly.
Kyler and Madison had left, Erika met up with Tessa, My boyfriend, Anthony, Jake, and Chance are at the gym, and everyone else is at the store, which means I'm left with the babies.
I was currently playing with Taytum and Oakley with the TV on Disney junior. It was around 4:30, and it was time to feed them. I got up and started prepping their baby food. Once I was finished, I turn around and notice that Taytum is gone.
"Oakley where'd your sister go?" I say as I pick her up getting a little nervous.
"BOO!" I turn around and see Tony holding Taytum.
"To be honest, you did scare me a bit." I say smacking his shoulder.
"Ouch" He says fake crying. The babies started laughing.
"Oh your fine. Now help me feed them." I say back.
Tony and I had just finished feeding the babies. Taytum and Oakley were getting tired, so I had put them down for a nap. They're probably going to be asleep still once Kyler and Madison come back. I decided to check on my phone, when I see that everyone was liking a picture I was tagged in.

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