Left//Anthony Trujillo

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Requested by one of my good friends.


I was in the office editing my new video. I then went to the kitchen to get something to drink. All of a sudden, I hear Chance and Tony fighting. They've been fighting all week. I went upstairs to check on how they were. I open the door to see how they were. All I see is Tony packing his things while Chance is sitting on his bed. "What's going on?!" I ask in a concerned way. "I'm leaving." Tony says as tears start to drip on my face. "No..please don't go. We need you Anthony. I need you." I say trying to get him to stop packing. He just shook his head. He thens walk out of the room. He goes downstairs to talk to Jake. I follow him.

Anthony's POV

I was packing when y/n walked in the room. "What's happening?" She asked. "I'm leaving" I say. "No..please don't go. We need you Anthony. I need you." She says. By then she had tears streaming down her face. Her eyes started to turn red. She also never called me by my full name. I walked downstairs to talk to Jake. She followed me.

"Jake we need to talk." I say. He was vlogging. He stopped vlogging and he had put his camera down. "I'm going back to Ohio." I say. His smile became a frown. "What? Why?" He asks seriously. "I can't deal with this crap!!" I say. "Please don't go Tony." y/n says. "I have to..." I say. "Tony what about us?" She says. "I'M LEAVING SO IT ALSO MEANS WE'RE DONE" I yell. I then walk out of the door and go into my uber.

Jake's POV

Once Tony left, i immediately go to y/n. I hug her. "It's going to be okay." I tell her. Y/n goes to her room. She obviously wanted to be alone. I then check on Chance. "You ok bro?" I ask. "I, guess" he says. "Yo what happened" Erika asks. Tessa, Kade, Tristan, and Ray were behind her. "Tony left." Chance says. "WHAT!" They all said. "Erika, Tessa, you guys should check on y/n." They nod their heads.

A minute after Erika and Tessa left to check on y/n, they came back. "That was fast. How is she?" Kade asks. There faces looked shocked and scared. "she's not in her room and most of her stuff is gone!" Tessa says. "WHAT!" Everyone else says all shocked.

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