Abused//Alex Lange/Joey Birlem

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A/N this is requested by one of my bffs, and yes I know Joey isn't in Team 10 but whatever. Joey and Alex are in there 20s. Also sorry for the past few stories,, they've been quiet sad. I'll try to do more happy ones!

It was 8 am. I had just woke up. Alex wasn't home. He probably was in the club all night getting drunk. Every time he comes home, he would always be angry and starts to hit me. I was very scared of him. He changed a lot.
When it was 12:47 I heard a knock on the door. I knew it was Alex. My heart dropped as I was scared of what was going to happen. I open the door slowly and he fell. I catch him before he drops on the floor. "Babe you okay?" I ask. "Shut up whore." He says. He then starts hitting me. He kept punching me. By then my face was probably bleeding. I go to the room and lock the door as fast as I could and try to pack my things. Then all of a sudden he broke the door. I was almost done packing. I just zipped it up and I was ready to go. He then tries to hold me down. I kick him in his nuts and run as fast as I could out the door. I was planning to go to my friend Joey's apartment, which was on the second floor. Alex and I had lived on the fifth floor. I got to his apartment and knock on his door. "Hey y/n! Wassup!" He says. He notices that I was crying after he said that. "Come in" he says. I sat down. Sobbing. At least I had a friend like him. He then goes to me and hugs me. "I love you y/n" he says. My heart dropped. Every since Alex got drunk and all that stuff, I started to develop feelings for him.

Joey and I dated for a year, and got married.

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