Stone Cold P3//Alex Lange

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"Um who are you guys?" I ask confused.

"Y/N stop playing this isn't funny" another blonde boy says.

"For real. Who are you guys" I say starting to get scared. I then notice the 2 girls that had just hugged me were now sobbing in tears.

"'re team 10. And you're on it.." the dirty blonde boy says.

"What are your names?" I ask.

"Um.. well, I'm Jake"
"I'm Tessa"
Everyone was telling there names. It was now the dirty blonde boys turn to tell me his name.

"My name's..Alex" he says. He looks like he's trying hard not to cry.

"So you guys are Team 10?" I ask. They all nod their heads. Just then a thought got in my head.

"Y/n is anything wrong?" Nick asks.

"I just remembered something" I say. Everybody looked happy when I said that.

"What did you remember?" Alex says.

" were my boyfriend? Then broke up with me?" I say, "is that true?" I ask getting sad. He looks down and nods his head slowly.

"Oh um..well.. I don't know what to say then.." I say looking away.

-3 weeks later-
I was now back. Everyone had been telling me stories and slowly, I had been remembering things. Like how Emilio jumped out of the roof, Getting Apollo, Nick getting the crap scared out of him when Jake pretends to be teasing him, Chad and the stupid things he does, learning Spanish with the Twins, and more stuff.

Alex and I have been civil. I now fully remember on what happened. I try to erase that memory each day.

Now I'm here. Regaining my memory with the people I love the most.

I know suckish ending ever😂

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