Fair P2//Anthony Trujillo

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Y/n✌🏼: hey guys, sorry I forgot to tell you but I started feeling sick so I went back home.

Erika🐐💓: thank god! Y/n you had us worried sick!!

Y/n✌🏼: sorry..

Anthony👌🏼: yea y/n don't do that again without telling us.

Y/n✌🏼: whatever.

I then shut off my phone and go to bed.

Anthony's POV
Strange. I could tell y/n is really not in a mood. It was weird because she was all excited and happy, but at like the middle she started getting grumpy and annoyed. Anyway, we finished watching the circus, and we decided to stop by Walmart to get some groceries. I also got some yogurt for y/n.

~time skip when they get back~

We finally got home. I immediately go to y/n's room which was just downstairs. I knock on her door.

"Come in" I heard her sweet voice say. I've had a crush on y/n ever since she joined team 10.

"Hey" I said sitting on her bed.

"Hey" she replies.

"I got you some yogurt, so you can feel better." I say as I give her the spoon and yogurt.

"Thanks Toner" she says as she chuckles.

"Hey" I say childishly. It then became quiet until she broke the silence.

"Um Tony.." y/n says.


"I wasn't actually sick.."

"Oh..so why'd you leave?"

"I like you Tony. Ever since I came. Seeing you with Lily kinda hurt. And I get it if you don't li-" she says but I cut her off with a kiss.

"I like you too y/n" I say. "Would you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course" she says as I kiss her again.

"WOOOOHOOO #Y/SHIP/N IS REALLLLLLL!!!!" We then suddenly hear Jake and Chance say. I didn't realize I didn't close the door all the way. Everyone started cheering and y/n and I started blushing a bit.

What a night:)

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