Miscarriage//Kade Speiser

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I was 5 months pregnant with me and Kade's child. I was talking to my sister Erika, and our bestfriend Tessa, when a sharp pain came. It hurt like hell.
"Y/n are you okay?" Erika asks.
"My stomach hurts really bad" I say.
Suddenly blood comes down from my leg. I screamed so loud that it caught the attention of everyone in the house. Jake walks in and sees what happened and calls Kade.
"KADE! ITS Y/N!" Jake screams.
Kade runs in the room and picks me up bridal style.
"We have to take her to the hospital!" He says.
We the got to the hospital. After a while the doctor told us what happened.
"I'm sorry to inform you, but you have gotten a miscarriage." The doctor tells us. I start crying knowing that an innocent life inside of me died.

Sorry this chapter was so short

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