Pregnant P2//Jake Paul

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Today I was leaving for Michigan. Lele was taking me to the airport and Erika was going to meet us there. I got dressed and went in the kitchen to grab something to eat.

"Are you ready?" Lele asks.

"Yes" I say. I knew I was going to miss LA but I needed to get away for a while.

We get into Lele's car. The whole ride we were doing carpool karaoke, crying and other things. We even pranked called Juanpa! He totally believed it. Then we finally got to the airport. I got my suitcases and say goodbye to Lele. I then see Erika and say goodbye to her. I then go in, pass security, and wait by the gate for my flight. It was finally time and I go in the plane.

~time skip after plane ride~

We finally landed in Michigan. Most of the ride I was sleeping. If I wasn't sleeping I was taking pictures of the clouds on my phone. As soon as I got out of the plane with my luggage, I see my parents. I instantly run up to them.

"Mom! Dad!" I say as I was starting to cry.

"Aw honey don't cry" my mom says. We then went in the car. We were just talking and catching up. Once we got inside, I had to tell them.

"Mom, Dad, I need to tell you something." I say. I was scared of what they were going to say.

"Yes?" My dad says as he sits down.

"Well, there's no easy way to say this but..I'm pregnant" I say looking down.

"Is Jake the father" my mom asks. I nod my head slightly.

"Does he know?" My dad asks starting to get a little mad. I nod my head again.

"Does he not want it?" He asks again.

"I don't know! I left because he was cheating on me!" I say. Their face both were shocked.

"It's going to be okay" my mom says hugging me. My dad on the other hand was getting mad.

"The little piece of shit!" He says really mad.

"Hon, calm down! Y/n is obviously having a hard time already!" My mom says rubbing his back.

~time skip 1 year because I'm lazy lmao~

"Willow! Avery!" I say to my 11 month old twins who were running around crazily. They were going to be 1 soon. I then grab both of them, laying them down, and tickling them both. I loved to hear them laughing and having a good time. Suddenly I hear my phone ring. It was Erika.

(Bold- you italicized- erika)

Hey Rik what's up!
Nothing much, just wondering if you're coming back soon. We all miss you y/n. Plus I need to see my niece and nephew again.
Probably soon. I already talked to mom and dad about it. Our flight is actually tomorrow.
Oh great!! I'll see you then!! Text me when you land!
Course I will, I gotta go now. Love you rik.
Ok love you too!

Once I hang up the call, I pack our things. I didn't pack much since most of my stuff was there.

~next day~
I woke up at 4:45 this morning since our flight was at 6:30. I got out things ready. I put on the baby carrier and strap Willow on it. Avery was strapped on to Serina, Erika and I's cousin as she was visiting from LA. We then got in the car and headed to the airport. We then arrived and we got our suitcases out of the trunk.

"I'm going to miss you y/n, come back soon with Erika too" my mom says as she hugs me. I hug her back.

"Same here. Come back with Erika y/n. We'll miss you very very much" my dad says as I hug him. They then say goodbye to the twins.

"Bye mom and dad!" I say. A tear rolled down my face as I was going to miss them very very much.

~time skip after plane ride~

The ride was finally over. Serina and I got our luggages and we had waited for Erika to come and pick us up.

"Y/N! SERINA!" I hear Erika yell.

"ERIKA!" I say as I walk fast to her to hug her.

"TESSA!" I say as I hug her.

"Oh my god y/n, Willow and Avery are the cutest babies ever!" Tessa says as she started cooing over the babies. We then talked for a while. We got in the car and headed back to the team 10 house.

"Guess who's home!" I say pretty loud.

"Y/N!" I hear Kade say.

"Uncle Kade!" I say as I laugh.

"Oh my god! I now am an uncle!" As soon as Kade says that I smell a disgusting smell.

"Yup and you can start that by changing Willow and Avery's diapers." I say as I hand Willow to Kade as Serina does the same.

"Gross but that's what uncles do!" Kade says as he smile but makes a weird face from the smell after.

"Y/n!" Chance says. Anthony and the Martinez twins come down also.

"Hey guys!!" I say as I hug each of them. Just then Jake comes down. I see his eyes are red and puffy.

"Y/n... I'm so sorry" he says as he hugs me. I hug him back.

"Please forgive me" he says. He looked very very sad. I thought about it for a good 5 minutes.

"I forgive you" I say as he then hugs me tightly. Just then I hear Avery cry. Jake gives me a look asking if he could tend to him. I nod at him.

"Hey bud" he says softly to him holding him. He then quiets down.

"Dada" I then hear Willow say. I pick her up.

"Yup that's dada" I say holding her near Jake.

"The Paul family. The cutest family out there!" I hear Tessa say.

Finally we were reunited.

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