Snapchat P2//Chessa

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Tessa's POV
Erika and I stayed the night at Liza's place. I had woken up by a hundred texts from Chance, Jake, and Tony. I wasn't in the mood. Erika and Liza were in the kitchen getting breakfast.
"Hey guy" I say while I walk over to get a bowl.
"Hey T, are you feeling better?" Liza asks me. Once she asks me I suddenly felt like throwing up. I quickly run to the sink. Erika holds my hair up. I wash my face once I was done throwing up.
"T are you sure you're okay?" Erika asks.
"Well my back hurts so." I respond. As I told them, their face dropped.
"You don't think you are?" Liza says.
"Pregnant?" I say. I couldn't be pregnant. I'm only 18! Erika goes to the store to buy pregnancy tests.
~15 minutes late~
I finally decided to check on it. It read positive. I start crying as Liza and Erika start comforting me.
"It's going to be okay" Erika says.
After a while, Erika and I decided to go back to the team 10 house. We enter the house.
"EVERYONE TEAM 10 MEETING!" Erika yells. Suddenly everyone walks in the office.

Chance POV
Jake, Tony, and I tried to keep texting Tessa and Erika. We were all worried. Suddenly we hear the door creak open.
"EVERYONE TEAM 10 MEETING!" I hear Erika say. We all rushed in the office. I go up to Tessa and hug her. She doesn't hug back. She looked sad. Her face was pale. I knew I fucked up.
"What's going on?" Jake asks.
"Where have you been?" I ask
They answer our questions. They then tell us what was happening. What they said all gave us a shocked look.
"Yo-your pregnant?" I ask Tessa.
She nods her head.
"Is it mine?"I ask again. She nods her head slowly as she starts to cry. I hug her.
"I'm so sorry. Please forgive me" I beg her.
Time skip -5 months
Tessa's POV
Today was the day I finally get to know the gender of my baby. I let Chance come even though I was still mad at him. I haven't said a word to him ever since I found out what he did.
We arrive at the doctors office. We wait in the waiting room till our names get called.
"Tessa Brooks?" I hear the doctor say. Chance and I both follow her.
Time skip to when they find out the gender
"Alright so the gender of your baby is....a boy!"
As soon as I see the baby I start to cry.

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