Left P2//Anthony Trujillo

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I was heartbroken. I wanted to leave. So I quickly pack my things up while everyone was still in the ratchets room. I then sneak out as quiet as I could. I walk to my car and start driving to Santa Barbara where my sister, Arielle, lived. It was a 2h and 21 min drive.

Chance POV
Once Tessa and Erika told us y/n isn't in her room and most of her things were gone, we were all shocked. I had to tell everyone the truth. "Guys..I need to tell you something." I say. "What is it!" Erika says worried. "Tony leaving was supposed to be a prank! He only went to Ohio to visit his family. We didn't think y/n would actually leave." I say. Everyone was even more shocked. They all started texting y/n while I text Tony.

Chance: TONY!

Tony: what bro?

Chance: you need to come back. Y/n left!

Tony: you're kidding

Chance: I'm not!!

Tony: okay I'll get a flight tomorrow.

I had finally arrived at Arielle's place. I knocked on her door.
"Hey y/n! I didn't know you were coming. What's up!" She says. She then noticed my tear stained face. "Come in, you're obviously not okay." I then follow her. We sat down on her couch. "Please tell me what's wrong." She asks very concerned. "H-he l-left me" I say. My voice was shaking when I said those words. I started to sob even more. "It's okay." She says comforting me. "I'm going to call Erika saying you're here." She says. "NO!" I say. "I don't want them here." "Okay little sis, here follow me to the guest room. You need to rest. But do you want to eat something. "No, I don't want to eat." I respond. "Oh okay." I then follow her to the guest room. I tried to sleep but I couldn't. I then eventually cried myself to sleep.

~~~~NEXT DAY~~~~

Tessa's POV
I couldn't believe that this was a whole prank! It's ridiculous! They went to far. I swear once we get y/n back, I'm going to smack both Chance and Tony.
I went downstairs to grab an apple for breakfast. I didn't feel like eating. Y/n was my best friend along with Erika. I felt like a part of me was lost. "Guys! Jake and I are going to pick up Tony from the airport!" Chance says. "Okay!" I say.

Anthony's POV
I was waiting at the airport for Jake and Chance. "TONY!" I hear a familiar voice say. I turn around and see Jake and Chance. I run up to them. "Did y/n really leave!" I ask. "Yes and we need to find her ASAP!" Jake says. We go back to the house, and everyone in team 10 goes into the van.

I woke up at around 10 am. I forgot that I put my phone in my bag so I wouldn't hear the notifications as loud. I then grab it to see that I have more than 100 messages from the team. I then charge my phone and go to the kitchen. I see Arielle has prepared bacon and pancakes for breakfast. "Thanks sis" I say. "No problem" she replies back. We suddenly hear the doorbell ring. "I'll get it" she says. "Arielle is y/n here?!" The familiar voice says. I turn around to see Tessa and Erika. Once they see me they run up to me and hug me. I hug them back. Suddenly the rest of team 10 came in. I then see Tony. I didn't want to see him. "Y/n can we please talk." He asks. I acted like I didn't hear anything. "Listen this whole thing was a prank! I just went back to Ohio to visit my family." He says. I was shocked. "W-what?" I say. I then hug him. "I'm going to get back at you Mr. Trujillo" I then say. I thank Arielle for letting me stay and we all go back to the team 10 house.

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