Photo//Kade Speiser

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Today I had a photo shoot with Kade. He's been helping me a lot recently taking pictures for my model agency. I had a huge crush on Kade though. If I told him, it might ruin our friendship.
"Hey y/n!" Kade said as I walked to the kitchen to get food. "You ready for your photo shoot?" He asked. "Yea, definitely." I respond. "Okay, be at the beach by 12. I gotta go set up everything there now. See ya." Kade said. "See you there!"
Once Kade left, Erika came downstairs. She was one of my best friends, along with Tessa. "Oooo you and Kade going to the beach. Wonder what you'll doooo." Erika said. "Shut up, it's just a photo shoot, nothing serious." Erika laughs. "I gotta go now! I'm getting Starbucks later with Kade, want anything?" I ask. "Just the usual!" She responds. "Okay, bye now!"

~at the beach~

Kade's POV
I set everything up. I actually finished early. I walk along the shoreline admiring the beautiful sky. I take some pictures as I walk by. 15 minutes later, I see y/n walk towards me. "Hey you ready?" I ask. "Yea let's go."
After 30 minutes we were all finished. We checked out the pictures. Y/n looked beautiful, as usual. I've had a crush on her ever since she joined Team 10. I wish I could just tell her how I feel.
"Kade these pictures look great!" y/n tells me. "Thanks!" I respond. "Wanna come to Starbucks with me?" She asks. "Sure" i respond.

~at Starbucks~
y/n POV
As we enter Starbucks, Kade and I order everything. We decided to sit while we were waiting for our drinks. It was a really long line, so we had plenty of time to talk. "y/n can I ask you something?" "Sure go ahead." "I've been meaning to ask you ever since you came to Team 10, but I just didn't find the courage in me." Kade says. "What is it?" "I like you, it's okay if you don't like me back, but please let me love you." He tells me. "Kade, I like you too!" I tell him. "No way, would you go out with me sometime?" He asks. "Duhh" I say. We both laugh till we finally got our drinks. We headed back to the team 10 house.

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